red nose energy

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • Depends. Many popular apps are banned and closely observed here and in Iran, so they’d at least try to block any kind of connection via them, whatever protocol they use, and I switched between several on these to no result. Less known solutions work, those gated behind a subscription too, and there you can still buy a server in EU to tunnel your web needs.

    It also varies from carrier to carrier, so on one connection you can use something as simple as krlvm’s tunnel local app, on others you’d need a real and non-banned VPN.

    For those who have time to try several links, check thia chat on TG: outlinevpnofficial They don’t work 100% of time, but having a lot of these public servers means some of them are yet to be blocked. Their app is dumb, but it’s availiable for W10, Linux (appimage) and Android I believe.

  • There wasn’t any legal ban. RosCommNadzor slowed down TG like they recently did with YT (it can barely load a music track without VPN) without any court decision because they can, it went for a week or so, and then it was lifted. Nobody knows why, but there is a suspicion that TG started to cooperate with russian authorities, in a non-automatical manual manner. Some suspect it was a PR campaign to make it as popular as it is now.

    It didn’t leak stuff as far as I know, that’s done by bots like Глаз Бога that accunulate all info on a person and frequently used in OSINT and deanon\bullying, but blocking popular bots and channels that are too annoying to Russia is what they do. From the top of my head: CleverVoting (Умное Голосование, УГ) channels from Navalny’s team*, channels for cooperation of protest of soldiers’ wives, separatist channels from Bashkortostan and other places. I’ve seen iranians also posted that they had their protest channels banned - and Iran and Russia banned free and popular VPNs at the same time, spoiling their cooperation.

    * Durov’s public comment on that gave birth to a meme. He implied that there are just two ways: either banning it from TG or having TG banned on the whole territory of Russian Federation. As a copypasta it was transformed millions of times, and if it hasn’t lost it relevance, we could’ve probably seen a boykisser version of it.

  • Yeah, and we shouldn’t suppose women can’t degrade as much as men, that’s unfair. r/femaledatingstrategy had an overblown fame for being a femcel den before it got banned, you can read on them in the media. But you can discover more than that on chan-boards, as they are probably the origin of a lingvo natural to this discourse. Just like with in incels, there’s a typology of women and men adapted to biological and social context a typical ciswoman is in.

    As for IRL, I’ve heard such terms only as a joke, but that means there’s some penetration into higher net.

  • They base their broadcast around hourly cycles put onto this day’s frame, let’s say it’s a 12h circle like on analogue clocks, or a pizza. Each cycle starts with a jingle and ad, so you can divide it into equal 12 parts and eat a 5-minute slice from each. Then you have standardized blocks to peg into them, e.g. 2-3-minutes songs, ads, news blocks, longer blocks to occupy the whole hour like Car talks with Martok etc. Some of them (news, ads, jingles) repeat every hour or two making it trivial. There’s not many ways to slice this pizza, so many of their plans naturally overlap. Iirc on music stations it’s performed-semi automatically now, the machine can compile a plan to fit pieces from your music library and other components by itself.

  • And I assumed A was for the highest mark in school (when evaluating something). In some cases I remember it did make sence, but thanks for telling me about it’s origins.

    Offtop, but now I’m thinking if all these college clubs in the movies were called in latin words because of the military too, with their Alpha-Bravo-Delta correction of hearing\spelling errors over the radio.

    Your examples are fun too, and SOS sounds like an emergency dose of callories with minimal decorations when one’s too exhausted (:

    P.S.: It’s not unusual to know only one single language. Weirdly enough, that’s shared between the US and Russia due to their huge territory most people never leave and a lot of folks being offended by hearing other languages spoken around them, like MAGA or vatniks. I’ve got lucky my parents invested some skillpoints into languages years ago, so I can talk to you, and you’ve been dealt a slightly worse hand in that department. No shame here. A lot of my dearest and wisest friends can’t read memes I send them even in kindergarden English so, at least, you dodge this regular frustration (:

  • 1

    Ah, I’ve seen this vid. It feels so old now.

    First indiscernible phrase is

    Сейчас, нахуй, сейчас. Сейчас я тебе дам

    Now, dammit, now. (addressing the one who he’d then call out) I’m gonna give you (a punch).

    Залупа or Dickhead is correct. Usually this noun describes not a person, but a bad place to live in (a similar-sounding word халупа is a name for a simple and small hut, probably it came into obscene slang due to it’s shape) or some pointless endeavor.

    Уёбище ты ёбаное isn’t exactly fucking scumbag. Enraged person just strings similar words together. But if translated, ёбаное уёбище is a fucking fuckface, for the second word usually means someone (physically) unpleasant. I find that this version underlines the ranting nature of this banter.

    Счетовод or calculator-man is an old word for an accountant, from the imperial times when only a minority knew basic math. Now it’s only used as a sarcasm like there. Probably not precise, but meme-y.

    In Косой пидор, блять the first word was omitted from subs. It means strabismus or an unusual alignment of one’s sight, making eye-lines get crossed or point in different directions. It’s a very old ableism that’s still used for those who fail shots or throws in sports, games, military. It also has a direvative verb скосить when someone missed. See also: They could’ve used other words for visually impaired, but probably found it’s not worth it.

    Lifter or поднимальщик there is an invented word, basically a person who lifts (something), probably a barrel of a gun too much, thus the accuracy is abysmal. Don’t think it can be translated better.

    The beads part is correct, hah.

    This translation is alright.