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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • The circuitry doesn’t determine which cable is the correct one. That is determined by a protocol that associates various IP networks with different network interfaces. So, for example, all data going to goes to interface eth0, and goes to eth1 and goes to eth2 and so on. Each interface is a separate RJ45 Ethernet port on your router, for example. It doesn’t have to be RJ45 it could be your router has a Thick Ethernet or Thin Ethernet connector. Or it could have wifi. Or something else.

    Anyway, forwarding the packet to the correct interface / subnet can be done with a static route defined on the router. Another way is dynamic routing using BGP (border gateway protocol) which is an exterior gateway protocol that dynamically routes between your network and somewhere exterior to your network. Yet another protocol is OSPF (open shortest path first) which is used inside a corporate network for dynamic routing.

    For any of these the router knows how to send the IP packet to the next hop, another router, which in turn knows how to send it to the next hop.

    Where to send is based on the destination IP. The routers know which interfaces and which other routers are responsible for different subnetworks.

    It is sort of like how once your mail makes it to a main hub in your state, it is then routed to the main hub for the destination state, and from there to the post office responsible for the destination zip code, and then to the mail route (and hence truck) responsible for the street and number.

    So if your destination is maybe there is a router known to be responsible for and then it knows what router is responsible for and so on until we get to a router that has on one of its subnets then it sends directly to

  • Definitely talk to your doc. (My GP prescribes my meds; the psychologist diagnosed and wrote a letter).

    I don’t really have noticeable side effects. When I first tried the stuff I started at 30mg then at 40mg I started seeing lots of bright spots and went back to 30. Freaky experience.

    I’ve been on 30mg for years now. My heart doesn’t usually race but some days I get a little jittery. I don’t recall it being elevated back when I was using an exercise monitor. It probably doesn’t help that I drink a double shot latte every morning with my meds. My BP did not seem to be affected by the lisdex last time I tested it on and off the ADHD meds. (I am on BP meds too).

    Worth mentioning, I am also on Effexor (venlafaxine) for depression and anxiety, which was diagnosed a decade before adhd-c. Prior to Effexor I was on Lexapro for a few years.

    When I was testing dosage, my PA said to increase 10mg every few days until I noticed it helping, then increase until I noticed side effects and then we would go with 10mg below that. Or something like that. Which is how I ended up at 30mg.

    I recall that I couldn’t tell at first how much 30 helped vs 40 but now that I have more experience with the medicine and self evaluating my symptoms. The difference between 30mg and none is now very obvious.

    Although… I have been thinking about trying 40 again so I can re-evaluate, in case I get a bit more out of it without side effects this time. Maybe I will do that next time I’m up for a refill.

  • Load average of 400???

    You could install systat (or similar) and use output from sar to watch for thresholds and reboot if exceeded.

    The upside of doing this is you may also be able to narrow down what is going on, exactly, when this happens, since sar records stats for CPU, memory, disk etc. So you can go back after the fact and you might be able to see if it is just a CPU thing or more than that. (Unless the problem happens instantly rather than gradually increasing).

    PS: rather than using cron, you could run a script as a daemon that runs sar at 1 sec intervals.

    Another thought is some kind of external watchdog. Curl webpage on server, if delay too long power cycle with smart home outlet? Idk. Just throwing crazy ideas out there.