8600G is a very capable desktop processor
8600G is a very capable desktop processor
Dyson Sphere doesn’t support cloud saves, not an issue with the Steam Deck.
I’ve also had some issues with Fez but find it works better now
Use available tools, what concepts are you stuck on?
Raspberry PI
Remote play together and steams controller management are two separate things.
RPT creates a tunnel to make everyone appear in the same session.
For controllers, especially in Linux check that you have the correct settings enabled eg. Enable PlayStation/nintendo support vs the default Xbox emulation.
I’ve personally never had any issues with RPT and controller settings after checking the controller is setup properly in Steam.
got it, because the project supports flatpak, you feel like you need to explain it. yes, if the op configures flatpak to use a repo that has aarch software then flatpak works as expected. glad that could be cleared up.
Without any further configuration, might as well as add that to your edited paraphrased quote.
The op said it wasn’t working, I’m only agreeing with him that it doesn’t work as expected.
Your lengthy explanation of flatpak doesn’t seem to be postmarketos related.
My statement is true , that flatpak is arch agnostic but primarily supports x86.
I never said it didn’t or wouldn’t work; if you’re not seeing your apps it’s not because they don’t exist, they aren’t built for aarch64 and target x86
It is not a product as so much a project. I would recommend reading up on the goals and mission of postmarketos and instead support rather than point out shortcomings.
If you are a developer I’m sure the team would be happy to give write access but considering your novice experience your opinion is likely less important than actually improving things.
Testing out the x86 builds using qemu is typically the first step to understanding and if you want to make changes, opening a PR or demonstrating your value to the project would make it more worthwhile for them.
I’m am a follower of this project myself and have nothing to do with postmarketos or the wiki.
Flatpak while agnostic is currently only working as expected on x86_64
Postmarket uses Alpine for its base; if the package exists in the Alpine base repo you’re using then no issues.
Steam Link has been around much longer and if you trust Valve to keep their software up to date chances are it’ll work at parity or better than Moonlight.
For anything not Steam, Lutris.
Lutris because it handles both and more.
I have mine setup on a Supermicro itx-based machine with an Intel n3710 and 8G of RAM. It has four Intel-based ports but you can easily get away with two.
I used to run a Zotac ci323 with dual Realtek nics. Works fine for 300M up/down.
You’ll want two ports, one for WAN one for LAN and most nics will support VLANs if you need more than that. Any VPN or encryption will increase your cpu requirements. If your needs are low a cheap dual-nic Nuc like device works great.
depending on your use case these are cheap and cheerful.
Sounds like gamescope is setting the window to 1440 as expected but the game is not. Have you tried it without any mods and does it work?