Should really be prefaced by: Don’t bring your phone. Write the phone number you plan to call if arrested on your lower arm in sharpie. If for some reason you have to bring your phone, read the following.
Should really be prefaced by: Don’t bring your phone. Write the phone number you plan to call if arrested on your lower arm in sharpie. If for some reason you have to bring your phone, read the following.
Fair, whatever works for you!
Although from experience, most long-time Linux users have “started over” in different distros a couple of times. It’s not as daunting as one might think, and it’s also a decent learning experience to really understand how distros differ and (maybe more importantly), how they don’t
Yes, specificially hardware missing the prerequisites for Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 iirc.
I think stability and a clean architecture are underrated qualities for “noob friendly” distros, while badly emulating windows is overrated. I also think you should give Fedora (plus rpm-fusion for non-free drivers and codecs) a try, it’s worth it!
It’s a coup. They are currently rewriting the rules of how things are done.