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Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I was going to say it’s for all the padding to protect their fragile egos.

    In a lot of our society (mostly but not exclusively the maga branch) if you are a male you just drive a truck automatically.

    What’s funny though is that the two people I know personally who actually need the trucks they drive are little woman, but they work on a farm unlike the vast majority of truck drivers.

  • That’s the proprietary app container system pushed by Canonical who maintains Ubuntu. That’s as opposed to something more widely accepted like flatpak. I’m not an expert on everything Canonical has done to piss of the FOSS community, but I think snaps are the biggest one.

    And in regular old Linux Mint Cinnamon you don’t have to deal with that, and you can still lean on Ubuntu’s apt repositories.

  • My first was Sun Solaris Unix, but now I’m a middle aged engineer who wants to fix company product issues rather than personal workstation issues, and Mint rocks my socks.

    The mundanity of my computer working seamlessly every day is right up there with the mundanity of my car starting every morning, as far as how much it bothers me, lol.

    But there’s nothing wrong with messing with your car’s engine or your computer’s OS, obviously. Some people are just in a place where they want to do that and some aren’t.

  • Well I apologize for the effects of the discussion, but you’re also right.

    I come from a conservative white Catholic family, and a big part of getting my head right as an adult has been realizing that the negativity-first approach to life isn’t the only way to live, isn’t healthy, and that it’s OK for me to reject it. And I’m close with my family and see them all the time, so it’s unfortunate that even though they are nice to me and we have good times, they can just be a fucking downer to be around.

    And you’re spot on about the confidence stuff, both in how the wrong people have it, and in how it works so well on so many people. And I’m 100% convinced it influences how strongly echo chambers and confirmation bias are with them. Their combination of misplaced confidence despite the prideful ignorance, and their default negative stance on anything that’s different or “other” just leads to them rejecting different ideas before even considering them. After all, anybody who doesn’t agree with all the truths they know is clearly an idiot and should be ignored, right?

  • Fake might be the wrong word. To me it feels very real and very entrenched both due to our voting system and those two powerful parties being the ones with the power to change it. Plus both are beholden to interests other than those of the general population, so their stated platforms aren’t necessarily real. (This is not a both sides comment, one side is still far worse than the other)

    It’s an emergent thing from other flaws in the system, and it is bad, but it feels all too real.

  • Any time you’re working with somebody who has to deal with the general public(or general workforce) though, you gotta be understanding.

    They have to sort through the clueless people who turned off their monitor, and they have to deal with the Dunning-Kruger people who lie about what they did because they think they’re so damn smart.

    And if it’s the first contact level 1 type support, they may not have the expertise to tell the difference and have to rely on the scripts.