No more government secrets to right?
No more government secrets to right?
Flash mob protests for 5-10 minutes then meet at a new location for the next one.
Cops can’t be everywhere and agent provocateurs would have to be on the inside.
I can only handle several crisises at one time. Please take a number and have a seat, I will get to this when I can.
Appreciate the 5 star rating m’dude, but consider waiting until this Lyft ride is over considering I could be going somewhere you didn’t want to go.
Please don’t fuck a computer
Huge half life fan here.
I would wait to emulate that shit.
We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
Still searching for my strengths.
┬┴┬┴┤͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴
Eggs. I thought about changing the title to “You can substitute Eggs with blood” but that also sounded awkward.
Then I realized I’m what’s awkward.
Where do i sign up for the flash mob?
Was trying to reference this
Maybe I should have added a paragraph somewhere in there. I was typing fast because I only get so much time on my break at work.
I bailed on brave when I learned more about the shenanigans that one dude pulled.
It’s already done but I appreciate you being helpful. My black heart wiggled one time from the kindness you have shown here today. Peace.
Let the people downvote. These points don’t matter. I turned off the visibility of points. I am immune, my morale is unbreakable. The downvoters have no power here!
Always has been