Considering I have no fucking idea where to even start with what youre referring to, I think I’ll just be happy instead of entertaining an asshole. Blocked.
Considering I have no fucking idea where to even start with what youre referring to, I think I’ll just be happy instead of entertaining an asshole. Blocked.
I mean I understand why you feel that way but if someone were to refer to me as a woman, as a cis guy I would take it as a sign of disrespect, so I feel more obliged to take the side of the people who are complaining. I feel it is somewhat relevant considering one of the projects mentioned is developed by the people in the link.
Mozilla has existed for over 20 years and Chromium still has a monopoly.
can you be more specific about what part of the community is toxic?
Since you want an answer so bad that Youre willing to just assume shit about why I personally find it annoying, I’ll tell you why I find it annoying.
I find it annoying because it symbolizes the commercialization and monetization of the internet. The only reason this shit is done is to make content more “advertiser friendly”. There was a point in time where you could say the worst, most heinous shit and nobody would even care because they did it to. Then the internet started to become more about “getting that bag” and everyone started to self censor. This no doubt came from a monetized Instagram page that had to keep their sponsors happy. The shit where content creators replace “rape” & “grape”, “cocaine” & “coca cola”, “died”/“killed” & “unalived” is pure fucking nonsense as well. You know what youre saying, I know what youre saying, but youre saying it weird so the fucking AI doesnt demonetize your shit because you’d prefer to make money over have respect for the story youre telling. Its ridiculous, stupid and the reason I dont support any content creator that participates in this bullshit. This is the internet, I’m an adult. If there are kids here, thats their parents problem. A phone is not a babysitter. Im going to continue to say fuck.
Have a nice fucking day I hope this helps you continue to be a jackass on the internet who assumes shit about other people without even using your brain to critically think for more than 2 milliseconds, and remember to down vote me to fucking oblivion 😋
i wish all unnecessary censors a very FUUUUCKKK YOUUUUUU
G Services were never a part of android though, and android is fully functional without them if youre running a FOSS suite of apps. There are multiple options to restore GService functionality while maintaining privacy such as MicroG which is a reverse engineering of GServives to make them FOSS, and Sandboxed GServices which is literally just gservices, sandboxed, which will provide 1:1 compatibility with all your apps provided youre fine with having google code on your device.
In terms of “control” on Android, it really depends on what you mean. On Android you can still uninstall every app you want provided you have access to ADB, unlike Windows where you can’t uninstall the damn built in web browser. Android also makes a lot of privacy features easier to access such as the ability to immediately turn off your location/camera/mic on the fly if you add them to your notification shade, as well as the Android 12+ feature of the “privacy bubble” that shows you if any running app is currently using location, camera or mic. There are definitely things Windows is “better” at, such as tweaking the UI/UX, but in all fairness if M$ could disallow that without breaking their legacy codebase they would.
I mean, what are you referencing specifically because Android is still an open source operating system with healthy forks (Lineage, Calyx, Graphene, Muerena, PixelOS etc.) and ChromiumOS is open source I believe, even if its just a fork of Gentoo. Is there something I’m unaware of?
The open source nature kind of prevents that. Other projects have been made an example of like OwnCloud -> NextCloud, Emby -> Jellyfin, and I’m sure there are more I just can’t think of ATM.
year 4 of selfhostong btw
I would be all for this if I didn’t run into a couple thousand dollars and threw it into nvidia for the purpose of hoping I’d be able to retire one day
mostly enterprise people
I have a framework :p
Thank you for commenting Something that isnt incomprehensible. I dont feel I agree with them Saying that’s Why google still has a monopoly. I feel the blame largely falls on Mozilla’s poor management and lack of doing anything new.