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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • This just seems like they are trying to take a shortcut that might end up having unforeseen consequences. I have no problem with AI upscaling as a technology. It’s already proven its merit with almost all triple A games that have come out in the past few years. But this just seems like a way to push the cost off onto consumers by making them buy more expensive hardware at the cost of efficiency. Games are so poorly optimized these days that this just seems like another way to release games that run like ass. If you see this as a benefit in any way, just remember that we will all be paying the extra cost that they get to save.

    And of course there’s gonna be people that’ll just be like “upgrade your PC, bro” which just makes us fight amongst ourselves instead of fighting the companies that are fucking us over. We’ll fight each other for hours on end about how shitty someone’s PC is before we even consider that the game they are playing is so poorly optimized it’s a miracle it even works on a high end PC. It’s already to the point that a $4,000 PC isn’t even enough to play some common triple A titles at a good frame rate. I can play God of War at the highest setting with no issues whatsoever but can’t even play Jedi Survivor at a stable frame rate. Sure a better PC would achieve better results, but that’s not a hardware issue.

  • I feel like this can be age and maturity specific as well. When I was like 14 to like 21 I was a love bomber. I had never been in a real relationship and I didn’t understand how to express myself. To my misfortune, the only thing I had to go on was movies. It’s the same kinda situation like having unrealistic expectations about sex by watching too much porn. Because of this I always went over the top thinking that’s what you were supposed to do. I didn’t understand the differences between infatuation and love until I had my first real relationship. Put a lot of things into perspective after that and I realized how much of an asshole I was being.

    You should definitely know the signs and should definitely do what is listed. I’m just saying sometimes it comes from confusion and ignorance and not just malice and manipulation. The issue isn’t black and white. But at the same time, even if someone is doing it out of ignorance I still believe everything above is true.

    I’m not sure what my point is besides sharing my experience. I guess that sometimes the one love bombing might just be someone that is lonely and isolated and doesn’t know what to do. But that shouldn’t change how you react to them. Boundaries are important and this can easily be a very bad situation even if they are a good person.

  • As someone that has played a fuck ton of Star Citizen and bought a few ships… Don’t. It used to be a game. Now it’s a marketplace without the game. Every time they update it they make things worse and break everything else. Nowadays I can’t even get into it for more than an hour before I realize it’s the same game as it’s ever been or worse. I’d rather just go play something else. But don’t worry, they’re more than happy to sell you a ship for $2,000 that’s been “in development” since you were in highschool.

  • Fortnite didn’t become a mega popular cash factory for Epic Games because of micro transactions. It became a mega popular cash factory for Epic Games because, regardless of your opinion of the game, they made a game that people actually want to play beneath the micro transactions. These companies make hollow games riddled with egregious micro transactions because they took the wrong lesson from the games that made it huge. Big games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch, and Valorant are pretty decent games that have micro transactions while so many games coming out are just micro transactions with a game attached to it. You can’t get away with exploiting people’s impulsivity if you don’t put in the effort to tie the carrot to the end of the stick. You’re just slapping a stick to people’s heads expecting them to chase it. It’s why, even though I will never give Blizzard another dollar for as long as I live, I still play Overwatch with the boys when the mood strikes.