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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • That looks like mild nitrogen deficiency. Growing hydroponic herb requires a lot of nutrients. It’s not like regular houseplants because they get so much more light. To do a good job, you really need probably a three part fertiliser system. At the very least, a high nitrogen fertiliser for growth, and a high phosphorus/low nitrogen fertiliser for the flowering cycle (lights 12 hrs on/12 hours off).

    HOWEVER, it looks like you are fairly close to finishing these. How many more weeks do you plan on going before you harvest them? It’s common in the last week or two to just give the plants pure water (no fert) to force it to use up excess nutrients in the plant itself. Anecdotally, too much fertiliser salts in the plant itself contributes to a harsh smoke. You may just choose not to worry about Mike noticed deficiency and enjoy the end product.

    All in all, your plants look pretty healthy. I’d recommend doing some research on pruning for next time. You’ve got some pretty substantial lateral growth. Stems are a waste of effort… unless you’re shooting to make bespoke hemp.

  • The word “extreme” colours your question a fair bit. I think equality of all genders is good, I don’t think anyone should be subject to unfair treatment based on gender. As a cis-het man I like to be in a relationship with a strong woman.

    However, I dated someone for a while that probably fit into the “extreme” category. It was exhausting. I sometimes felt like I couldn’t do anything without it being subjected to the question: “is this the patriarchy?” Like, she needed to hang some closet doors, had no tools, and I was like, “Oh, I can bring my drill over next week and do that!” That offer to help needed to be examined.

    It also got annoying that workplace frustrations we both faced were always primarily parsed as “men being sexist” when it happened to her.

    IMO often her “fierce conversations” were her being kind of dick about something.

    Her model for independence and autonomy strayed very close to a refusal to take anyone else’s needs into account. Her desire to treat everyone like they were equal ignored actual power differentials and the responsibility with which they come. For example, she argued she wouldn’t put the booze away if someone she knew was an alcoholic was coming over because that would be patriarchal and robbing the alcoholic of their agency.

    It got exhausting.

  • This. This got me. And it’s a fucked up feedback loop. Because I’m addicted to nicotine I ironically smoked WAY more strong pot in spliffs than I would have if I had never ‘diluted’ the strong weed with tobacco in the first place.

    On the occasions where I’ve managed to quit tobacco, I have almost no desire to smoke weed, but when I’m hooked I’m chronic.

    The modern vape pens give a really good high. That was the previous problem: substitutes just didn’t scratch the itch. Thanks to a round of pneumonia I’ve managed to quit tobacco again. Previously, the desire to occasionally get high and enjoy the sunset would open the gateway to smoking, but I’m praying the vape pen is enough.

    I hate smelling like smoke. I hate wasting money on tobacco. I hate that I’m killing myself.

    I feel good right now.