Interesting. It looks like that was the case in the past but they eventually adapted
Interesting. It looks like that was the case in the past but they eventually adapted
I have been meaning to ask, can Shelly be used to turn existing light switches/circuits smart? I have four separate light switched each for a single light, and I'd love a simple solution so if I turn one switch on all four lights come on.
Arms manufacturers would probably argue that guns are intended to be deterrent. And they shouldn’t be held liable that the cops keep executing unarmed suspects with them.
The transparency of Topics is at least an improvement. Previously you would be targeted - or rather discriminated - by highly questionable traits.
Hopefully with this move regulators will finally step in to outlaw the previous behaviour. That would be a minimal step in the right direction.
I used to see this a lot with Facebook. Every time they altered the design people would kick up a fuss and I never understood why, the new design always looked far better.
Nowadays of course I don’t use Facebook but will occasionally have to sign in to look up the details of a business or something. The design has of course changed and I can’t find a damn thing on it. So I’m finally on board with the masses.
But they aren’t getting forced to change accounts. Their service continues just under another provider.
People who use the default email their ISP gives them don’t like change. The new service will probably have a different login screen and that’s going to upset aunty Ethel and uncle ron. And then a different colour background. It’s the worst thing that anyone could ever do to them
I’m so tempted to now question what VPN stands for 😆. Although I suspect more people would recognise the acronym than the full name
MYD? Have you just invented an acronym because a search reveals zero relevant answers as to what it could possibly mean.
Using acronyms, especially obscure ones only serves to exclude people.
Deluge and sploosh
I’m struggling to thinking of what would be the obvious one?
You must mean ie7, surely?
I was developing for ie6 back in 2010 and I considered those to be dark, dark times. I can’t believe it hung on for another 3 years?
The author pronounces it [aɡe̞] with a hard g, like GIF, and is always spelled lowercase.
I can’t be the only one to think GIF is a terrible example for pronunciation?
If the DuckDuckGo result for your search doesn’t yield anything then just append it with g!
and it’ll take you straight to the Google results.
It’s a useful trick but very rarely do I find I need it. Only really when researching a very specific error.
Proton Mail and Tutanota always rank high on lists of privacy friendly email providers.
You don’t have to look at reducing your Google use as a monumental effort. You can slowly transfer, minimise the number of services you use.
Simple - Switch your default search provider to Duck Duck Go.
Easy - Switch to Firefox
Mid - export your documents from Google Drive
Complex - Transfer your primary email to another provider.
Yep, the citizens are now far smarter in their path finding. They’ll walk quite a distance now, or follow a route via multiple different transport types.
A feature I’m really enjoying is pedestrians will walk along routes not intended for them if you’ve failed to provide adequate pedestrian routes. They will walk alongside a highway without a pavement if it saves them time. Or even more recklessly I’ve got people finding their way onto my rail tracks to shortcut their way to the station in places I’ve failed to put pedestrian paths.
Each citizen has their own preferences too, They’ll take whatever transport is most suited to them. There’s a surprising amount of depth to it.
Cars have seen massive improvement as well. They do indeed now pull into another lane to make way for emergency vehicles.
No longer do citizens store them in a magical pocket, they need to find parking which can be roadside or in dedicated parking structures.
Roads can be upgraded to remove roadside parking, given wide pavements, you can add signage to prevent left hand turns etc. But rather enjoyably some more reckless drivers will ignore your road layouts and intentionally take turns they aren’t allowed to, or if a road becomes blocked they will perform an illegal u-turn and find an alternative route.
Honestly, I’m really not understanding why this game is getting so many people complaining. Sure it has bugs, but the core mechanics are working perfectly fine - it’s an incredible feat of software engineering.