Another part in my mind would be estate taxes. If generational wealth wasn’t as impactful on our lives then UBI could serve a bigger purpose. If the playing field were more level for everyone, then hate or fear couldn’t errode it as easily. It’s not something we can see in a lifetime, but I hope that I can see us aiming at a useful target while I am still around.
Give it the weight it deserves. Some of the other replies here are on point and this interaction doesn’t deserve any negative head space, but bad examples of what not to do are really helpful. You have a chance to choose how to treat people… you bump into friends and strangers every single day. Use the bad examples from your life and the good ones to shape who you are. Aim at the version of yourself who would answer that same question with respect and kindness. Keeping negative things in your head but using them for something positive is the best use of that memory.