Jojo, Lady of the West

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • It’s probably aware of them, but generally no. Most slopes for driving on are smooth enough to be pretty negligible unless you’re going hundreds of miles or more, in which case fives of miles won’t make much difference either.

    But if you’re traveling by bike those small slopes may make some parts of the ride significantly more difficult or easier, and for cars may impact fuel efficiency in a way much more significant than just counting the extra distance traveled. So many navigation systems will still account for slope, even if they don’t necessarily acknowledge the length of your path as precisely as you may have hoped

  • I like “realize”. I knew there was such a thing as a “sex change surgery” and even looked into it from a technical perspective because it intrigued me. It’s fantasized about moving to a new city and getting one; starting over.

    I’d heard an offhand version of David Reimer’s story as kind of a conservative horror story. I’d seen movies and tv shows make plenty of fun of people who “pretended” to be “the wrong sex”. Monty Python’s “lady penis” scene still pops into my head sometimes.

    I knew trans people existed and I’d seen a couple of people with “they/them” on their name badge. But I never really put together that those things were “real” in a meaningful way, or applicable to me and my experiences.

    So then I kind of realized what it all meant.

  • I can’t speak for anyone else, but I didn’t turn anything, I just found a way to say what I had already been feeling the whole time. I never felt like a “man” or a “boy” and just smiled and nodded when other people described me in those categories. I didn’t have the words, didn’t have a way to let other people know how I felt about myself until now, and still struggle with some people who still don’t understand.

    I’m not a woman because I like nail polish, dresses, or unicorns, and I’m not not a woman because I like video games, dragons, and nerd shit. I’m a woman because that’s who I am, and once I realized that was “allowed” it was the only true way to say it. I’m not a feminine man and I never was, and while I don’t think I’m a particularly masculine woman, I didn’t think “looking girly stuff” or “liking manly stuff” is ever going to define who you are. If you honestly don’t know who you are, I can see it helping you figure it out, but if you are comfortable being who you are, you don’t need to change it.