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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I mean, the US medical system is terrible in basically every way, but it’s nice to know it’s worse than everyone else in this particular way, too.

    I expect there’s probably the “rich folks” version of your open asylums that are marketed like “mental health retreats” or something and cost as much as a house, but generally if you don’t have the luxury of shopping around reviews for the hospitals you’re staying at, you’d just wind up in a “closed” one here. And the person who needs to check in because otherwise they know they won’t eat for a week probably isn’t checking reviews.

  • Trans surgical procedures have some of the best outcomes of any major procedures. they are performed on consenting individuals who are always well informed and at or very near adulthood, and only after many other interventions have been ongoing. People who receive these interventions show incredibly low rates of regret (compare for example the percent of people who regret knee replacements or probably circumcisions), and enjoy increased happiness and satisfaction by almost any metric.

    Basically every major medical organization in the world (and certainly in America) agrees these interventions are medically useful and should be performed. While there are doctors who dissent, they are in the vast minority and almost never actually work with any trans people, but rather insist all the doctors who do work with trans people must be wrong. It’s not a controversy in the medical world, just the political one.

  • The point I was trying to make was just that linguistic distance doesn’t necessarily correlate with whether two things are considered distinct languages or merely dialects. There are languages less distinct from each other than Scottish and American English that are considered separate languages, and there are languages more distinct that Scots and English that are considered one language. “It’s the exact same language” isn’t always a useful ruler.

    When I said

    It’s a bit like if there was no Scots language, and the people in Scotland just still used runes to write but spoke the same language, except with even more old animosity fueled by previous governments.

    I was referring to the state of serbo-croatian being similar to that imaginary situation. I understand that Scots is quite different from English, I wasn’t trying to erase the line between them, just to clarify that the amount of difference isn’t as straightforward as it sometimes seems.

  • Can you explain how to expect a wife to do housework is hate for women. I know both are wrong but still those are two different things

    Because the only thing that makes a wife different from a husband is the fact that she’s a woman. There is nothing inherently “womanly” or “wifely” about housework, and expecting her to do it all must involve thinking there is: an unjustified prejudice exclusively reserved for women. I.e. misogyny.