“Allowed to win” implies they’re actually trying to win rather than simply being “controlled opposition” for the Republican party to make elections appear legitimate.
“Allowed to win” implies they’re actually trying to win rather than simply being “controlled opposition” for the Republican party to make elections appear legitimate.
If you don’t have a thread gauge, you should be able to take the screw to Home Depot/Lowes or the hardware store and use their thread gauges or just find a nut that fits it to determine the proper size and thread pitch.
It probably is metric as it seems most hardware is these days even if it’s made in the US.
Even a ziploc freezer bag might work.
It could be a JIS screw and not a Phillips. I think I even see the dimple in the upper right side.
Probably not worth replacing things now but you may consider using zigbee and zwave on any new devices. I have a mix of all three in my setup.
Time to convince her to build a poopin’ shack out in the backyard.
He also wasn’t a whistleblower he was just downloading scholarly articles from a service he had legal access to use.
The theory that he would be murdered over this is pretty wild as any college student or person with a JSTOR account has access to these same articles, so what necessitates murder in Aaron’s situation? He wasn’t exposing anyone or anything. It was just some douche of a federal employee trying to advance his career by “making an example” out of some kid who arguably didn’t even do anything illegal.
I have 9 HDDs in mine and the fucker probably weighs 75lbs. It’s always fun when I need to carry it to the kitchen island to do maintenance on it.
Why not just get one? I did and my wife is hesitant so she doesn’t use it but me having and using it doesn’t affect her at all. I think it was only $30 or $40 on Amazon.
Edit: saw your reply about sharing the bathroom with young kids and yes that could easily be an issue.
That’s some nice looking tile. What is that 12"x12"?
Are you 5’3"? I don’t mean that to be offensive I am genuinely asking. I haven’t weighed anywhere near 130 since I was maybe 12?
I’m also stuck on this guy’s weight and him saying that it includes a beer belly. Not to be judgemental, it’s just fascinating to hear the details about different body types. I’m on the taller side and am just a few pounds shy of double OPs weight.
If you think that’s bad, my Denon receiver had to update itself which for some reason fails 100% of the time when using wifi so I had to find the longest ethernet cable I have to connect into the back (or disconnect 20+ wires from the back to move it closer to the network switch) so that it could finish downloading the firmware and complete the update before it would start working again.
Morons and the clickbait media industry that wants to give them a platform to spew their hatred because it’s more profitable that way.
That’s why you get these articles filled with tweets from randos as if they represent a sizeable portion or majority of people.
I’m pretty sure retroarch has Gaussian shaders available to use with emulated games, so I’m going to say yes.
How much are you paying for that if you don’t mind my asking? I looked into seedboxes very briefly in the past and they typically didn’t offer much storage. It was either lots of storage and little bandwidth or lots of bandwidth and little storage when looking at options to configure some sort of remote media server.
FYI you likely won’t succeed with your alt accounts as they have extensive ways of fingerprinting you outside of basic stuff like your email or IP address.
I was permabanned for “ban evasion” after initially getting banned from /r/movies for talking about piracy and then inadvertently commenting there later on an alt account. I attempted to make a new alt with a VPN active and was banned again almost immediately. This happened to coincide with the great exodus, so I wasn’t too sad to just let go of my 10 year old account and settle in here.
Yeah I’m inclined to believe it based on the actions of numerous other police departments, but I’m also highly skeptical of it because of things like his message about if they find him dead naming not only the Fresno Sheriff but also his neighbor and a coworker. If I came across this on Facebook I for sure would write this guy off.
I do find it odd they ruled his death a suicide but then stated that he had three separate stab wounds to the chest. I have a hard time believing that someone could do that to themselves a second or third time, but who knows.
Can you get around this by changing your DNS? I thought that’s the primary way ISPs can control your traffic (though I only enough about this stuff to be dangerous)
A spudger
Actually some browsers also have issues with 4k and certain codecs. IIRC Edge is (or was) the most compatible surprisingly.