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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You're playing semantics and missing the point, but whatever, let's play.

    There's a good chance the victim has a friend or someone they trust that could drive. In your world, they still have to wait for the fucking bus or at a sketchy train station at 2am - both on a public schedule that everyone's aware of, including the abuser.

    What about my not ambulance worthy scenario? Again are they just going to stand on the train with a broken foot? Otherwise yes, ambulances can run into congestion which isn't great, but more that's more of an engineering issue.

    I've slept in my car, even with houses for rent and homeless shelters I could've stayed at (they sound better on paper than they are in person).

    For those "special trips" I use it a lot more than twice a year lol. I should also mention my vehicle is a cheap POS so I'm not driving some fancy ass truck around. I'm also willing to pay more for the convenience of not having to go to a rental store every time, while having to lug equipment around. Rental stores are lump summed too, at least in ownership I can spread the cost out to maintain some cash flow

  • Thank you for enlightening me on the Social Credit Score, it's good to know it's only court ordered in cases where people aren't allowed to take the train or fly. That's still not great though. I work under some (overly nepotistic) execs for a corp and they use similar vague style tactics. It's honestly both a weapon and a shield that leaves the players powerless and the game masters with too much control. I wouldn't want a country run this way.

    I also think of people like Xu Xiaodong who had his score reduced to "D" until he paid $40,000USD for calling a fake martial artist a fraud ಠ_ಠ. The courts in China are another discussion though. I'm just saying there is too much room for weaponization in scenarios like this. If it can be exploited, it will.

    The missing middle housing stuff does look interesting, and I see your point with it. If it doesn't impede peoples sunlight or take away yards/gardens while mixing buildings like that, it might be a good solution that we could agree on.

  • My mention of Shanghai was how they have a horrible ruling class, that has implemented a Social Credit Score. Do or say something they don't like? No more taking the train out of the city. People become bound to the zone they are designated. Sounds a little dystopian no?

    The large single houses thing is not true either, I live in Canada and my neighborhood has big corps sweeping through buying properties and building cookie cutter condos in place of the houses. Many don't even have parking

  • Right, the road won't be so congested, but you have to run on a specific schedule and only go to specific places.

    You have to pay for all of this somehow too, be it through fares at a toll or taxed by your gov. It won't be any cheaper running transit. Maybe even more expensive, because they still have to maintain the roads, but now the cost of vehicle repair is on the gov/Corp and not the individual. More tolls or more taxes.

  • Would those 18 countries be considered "first world"? Car manufacturers don't have the capacity to make a different vehicle for every country, it's operated more by continents with a couple exceptions. So a few large economies kind of get to decide for everyone.

    Our older vehicles often end up in poorer countries. I'd actually never thought about this implication before, but those poorer countries will struggle to get any electric infrastructure up and might be worse off. Hopefully not.

    The 15 min city idea doesn't have good publicity, especially when you see Shanghai attempting it with their social credit system.

    Ultimately, we need a way to regulate the regulators, without restricting peoples movement or current freedoms. I think we both agree on this. I'm all for a greener, less congested cities if it can be done, but it needs to be a careful transition period with intensive, neutral, and transparent planning so we don't end up with tyrants running the show. I still don't think cars are the enemy here though.

  • This ideology could be astroturfed fossil fuel propaganda, but electric cars are being mandated in most countries. Fossil fuel corps won't hold on to a battle they're already losing.

    The 15 min city "conspiracy theory" comes from people not wanting government over reach, especially since these govs are considering centralized digital currencies. This needs to be addressed.

    Otherwise we're going to trade one dystopia for another.