When you type Dr., et al., you normally follow it with a proper noun. Why is the auto caps an issue?
When you type Dr., et al., you normally follow it with a proper noun. Why is the auto caps an issue?
No. Videos aren't good content for some people or places.
Got an Anova from oiferup for chdap. Love it.
Piracy is not theft.
Don’t rinse/wash your birds. Dawn is fine for washing youthings.
Thingiverse is a relic. Printables.com
15 years ago you had to worry about the people around you. Now you have billions of bots trying to force shit all the time.
Get a good cast iron pan. Greasy is good.
My LEAF has a 3G radio. It’s useless now. If it were still connected, I could yank it; you can have any shop do the same.
My LEAF has no connectivity since 3g eas shutdown.
I’m using MessagEase, which looks incredibly similar.
ETA: oh, its a remake. I might need to install and move my layout over.
Ok, I am typing this with that keyboard now, and can see how this could be rather neat once one learns all thkey locations.
As a person who was poor and is now doing OK, wtf is a mutual aid group? And I don’t mean that as my being unable to Google; I mean it as: I’ve known a lot of people in poverty and I’ve been to many a government welfare office and there’s no discoverability for things like this in many areas.
Unown Pokémon font.
If you are gonna put Dr then odds are you’ll follow with @ and it’s a non-issue.