Ugh, people thinking Discord is project management software :| Gross. Frustrating!
Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.
Ugh, people thinking Discord is project management software :| Gross. Frustrating!
The world’s not too bright, then, is it?
“Full-stack” 🤮
I wonder if they’d sell as well without the shiny. Doesn’t matter who nor how many they kill or merely irritate if they sell better that way, hm? Who wants to see an actual sea or even a tree, here’s an ocean of CARS! You can’t see it, though, 'cause they’re currently blinding you with reflected sunlight.
Fuck cars!
Hey that sounds like someone I kno- oh, yep, it’s from Kora 😅
So, I found Minne kinda cold, but maybe that’s just a big city thing or me feeling daunted by it. Duluth, though in a county that voted much more wrongly, is full of nice critters and much comfier and cozier. Small Town Duluth isn’t actually a small town 😅 Kinda funny place, but it’s home for me now :3
… And like Kora I’m much less dead here than I’d have been where I was before (Oklahoma, in my case).
Edit: Oops, just realized I admitted to not actually being in the Cities in the Cities community 😅 Not only that but I’m arguably trying to poach your transplants >:P … Oh well, I’m not sorry unless it’s worse here than it looks to me :3
deleted by creator
Holy fuck, “we” are seriously even considering letting a company hunt somecritter down over game cheats?
Imean, I knew this was a cyberpunk dystopia without the cool parts but… c’mon, really?
illegal communication tools
This term seems absurd and disgusting to me.
Eight billion dollars into a fad but somehow “the economy” is a shambles and no real people seem to be doing well. I suddenly have many unnice things to say 😮💨
We all know the importance of interpretative charity in online discourse.
Ehee, I think some critters missed the memo. I’ve struggled all my life trying to get people to understand me but somehow people often seem (to me, at least) to make mind-pretzels instead of trying a “charitable” interpretation. I’ve always felt like many just want to lash out and hurt others, even when there’s a perfectly reasonable interpretation that takes less effort to make.
mumblegrumble, et cetera
This person(?) does seem to like filling my front page with blind links :-\ I don’t really like blocking people(?) here but ugh, I’m not gonna go check a dozen pages a day just to find out what they are. … Actually this one seems to have taken over posting a link to every post from a particular news site after I blocked the last one. Dunno why any community needs that, the site itself surely has them all better presented.
Whatever, let’s see if another one pops up 🤷
I didn’t say anything about a gun. I don’t think anyone here said what you’re accusing me of saying.
I don’t really have anything new to say to your gross-ass insistence that people focus on how the victims are to blame “able to avoid such situations.” Their attackers could’ve avoided that situation. Are you sure the victims could have, just by wearing less revealing clothing- wait, wrong situation. By simply walking away? No one’s ever been hurt trying to get away in your world?
This argument really doesn’t feel worth my time. Either you respect someone’s right to exist or you don’t.
More victim blaming. You’re disgusting.
Besides that, not everyone’s gonna live just like you. Though you say we may not know for sure what happened, you assume that they straight-up started a fight with five guys because they did anything at all, which is wrong because it’s not what you would do. For all you claim to know the “confrontation” was them just saying “Hey, don’t call us that!” but you openly insist that they brought that brutality on themselves.
What a great way to make a better world, just sit down and shut up unless someone’s calling out a problem, at which point they’re the problem.
Nooooo! Haskell ^.^ And a little Forth. Hopefully some assembly someday too.
>:3c I wonder how installations of this tool correlate with purchases of long, cute socks 😹
And cat ears, and nyaaa~ing, and… uhhh whatever else 😅 🤷
All in all, this kind of in-fighting among leftist game developers is something that was actually parodied in Disco Elysium, making the situation all the more ironic.
The article’s author put politics into your video games news, not me. Not that I’m at all sorry: those who want to bury their heads in sand shouldn’t peek out and get upset at the world for still being present. I want out too but I’ve not got nearly enough privilege to pretend “this is fine” except for people talking about it.
The left eats the left because we are delicious ;3
I don’t really know what’s going on here nor whether anyone involved is actually a leftist; I just wanted to spew some wordplay :3
I think it’s totally okay to ban you for crap like that. Maybe that’s why nobody makes me a mod any more 🤔
Anyway, you’re a transphobe.
My system (a laptop, all I’ve got 'cause I had to skitterflee from doomness v.v ) can’t run much so I’m kinda stuck at “playable” framerates on old games :-\ I kinda hate to admit it but I’ve been playing Borderlands 2 … the Linux version, 'cause the Windows version, which has a bunch of patches and mod support, just doesn’t run well enough for me 😭 Can’t even get any DLC, though I’ve been really wanting to try Gaige. May be too burnt out to enjoy it any more anyway.
Before that was Titan Quest, which just doesn’t really play like I wish it did. Played it a bunch anyway. Bleh.
So now I’m just sitting around trying to avoid losing my mind to boredom or despair. flailyskitters around in circles 😵💫
Isn’t manipulating idiots their entire thing? 🤷