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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’ve also cone to realize that this is the real purpose of ads.

    Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world, you have the right idea, but the other key thing you should remember is to never talk about the corps to anyone, even if you’re dragging their name through the mud. “No such thing as bad press,” as they say.

    It’s good to denounce the practice, but it seems naming and shaming specific companies just doesn’t work anymore at this stage.

  • I use Adobe CuckCloud at work on my boss’ subscription. For personal stuff I have the Affinity suite. I know it’s also proprietary, but it’s a one-time purchase, and more importantly, not Adobe.

    Man I tried using Inkscape to make a small icon and it took me maybe 30 mins to do something that would have taken less than two minutes with Illustrator. I know there’s a learning curve to all software, but my experience was very bad. Pretty much every hotkey I wanted to use was different from its Illustrator counterpart. And even looking past that, the interface was horribly laggy on my machine. I have no idea what made the UI refresh at like 20fps but tolerating it was untenable for me.

    I’ll probably try it on another computer, and remap the hotkeys I use the most. If/when I eventually ditch Windows for Linux, I’ll need something that works, since Affinity’s stuff is Windows + Mac only.

  • Hey fellow trumpet player! I played it for 7 years through middle and high school, and I even did jazz band in HS. I was third- then first chair in our top band, yet I still didn’t learn anything deeper than musical notation and major scales… Things like the circle of fifths, modes, even chord progressions? I now know they’re all pretty basic concepts, but back then they were a form of mysticism reserved for the gods of music. Thankfully all the basic stuff has stuck with me as if I never stopped playing, which has provided a priceless foundation. Oh, and very strong relative pitch!

    I definitely plan to take ideas from here and there and evolve them, if only as homage to my composer heroes. Just as in game design, nothing is completely original anymore, and everyone “borrows” ideas all the time. Regarding drum patterns, definitely gonna tap into the works of Peart and Portnoy!

    Thanks for the inspiration, by the way. It really helps keep the fire going!

  • I love how they depicted Fry this way. I would usually expect him to be bored or indifferent about something that’s typically seen as boring, like history.

    But he would otherwise have been around during this time if “I.C. Weiner” had never ordered that pizza, so he’s excited to hear about the things he would have seen firsthand.

    This show is one of the reasons that time travel is my absolute favorite fictional concept.

  • Why does it make you feel that way?

    This is the one thing for which I want a concrete answer, and I feel like without the tools I'm currently gaining from these videos I can't really come to a satisfactory conclusion. Sometimes I'm able to find similarities between songs, like the same chord progression, or key signature, etc. but never the complete answer. I've come to the conclusion that I'll have to transcribe my favorite things and grind out the answers myself (I can also just search for the sheet music for some things, but I think I'd be doing my future self a disservice).

    I agree though that it's one of the most fulfilling things to come to the conclusion on my own. I just need the right tools first! I'm no Beethoven after all 😁

    Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely check it out!

  • I'm currently trying to learn music theory. Finding it hard to concentrate at work because the pieces have finally just started falling into place in my monke brain and I'm sucking up as much content as I can find.

    I'd like to compose stuff at some point for video games that I will eventually develop, but if nothing else I'm dying to be able to know why I like my favorite music other than "that part sounds good." There are too many "composer reacts" channels on YT and not enough people who truly break down the concepts. My favorites that I have found are 8-bit Music Theory and David Bennett.

  • I want to go back and start DBZ from the beginning, but my anime backlog is almost as bad as my video game backlog 😢. I'm currently trying to work through One Piece but I refuse to watch the dub, which means I need to give undivided attention 100% of the time, which is nigh impossible.

    For DBZ however I think I'd be fine with the dub, since that's what I grew up with on Toonami!