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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Indeed, and currently there exist several cities that execute that ideal more-or-less. NYC is the obvious one, but Washington DC, Chicago, hell even the worst city in America, San Francisco does it adequately. The only reason we can’t have that kind of public transit everywhere is because no one is forcing city officials to plan for the long-term, and reduce sprawl.

    Zero Growth Lines are a great way to mandate density, without any other policies needed.

  • I wouldn’t ban cameras, but I would require the visibility be obtained without them. Cameras can give vision that is useful and implausible without them.

    Yea this is probably the better play. But too often with modern cars they use the existence of the camera’s to make the sight lines impossibly dangerous (the infamous front facing camera on the f150 for example).

  • Turn off broadcast of the SSID

    Don’t do this. It provides zero security, and just reduces usability. Now you should call your SSID something non-identifiable. So instead of “$YourName Wifi” call it “pleasure chest” or something. Additionally do not set a ridiculous 64 character + special characters password, because again you are providing next to zero additional security, while hugely reducing usability.

    Use a simple password scheme of 3-5 unrelated common words like from here: https://www.correcthorsebatterystaple.net/index.html for your wifi password.

  • I guess having a thick provisioned VM image on your laptop means that you are hiding something. Again if the evil government you are trying to hide something from doesn’t need reasonableness as a reason to detain you, then who cares? No matter what you do you are rolling the dice every time you interact with them.

    Which is of course similar to the US today, so if I needed to hide something from them I’d make sure that once i’m legally compelled to give my password they at the very least wouldn’t have what they are looking for, since there is no way I could prove I didn’t have it anyway.

  • I dont’ understand the issue here. Is that picture part of some specific VPS’s logo or is it part of the title/theme of the article? I think it’s very poignant, though obviously edgy, if it’s the latter. If your VPS provider isn’t censoring content, then obviously that means Nazism will be able to exist along with militant socialism advocating violence against capitalism. That is kind of the point of the article right? To determine which VPS is actually not going to censor.