I just hate that we don’t have a choice.
I just hate that we don’t have a choice.
Depends on your start point. You can bake your own bread, cook/combine your own condiments, and roast/cure your own meats.
All of this seems straight worse than cash. Is cash not an option?
At heart I’m a commi. The fantasy is stronger than the reality though.
It’s all good. It’s hard to gauge intent through text alone sometimes.
Wait, telegram has collected it, knows about and, ultimately condones it? Or is it more of a wilful ignorance and resistance to forced compliance?
Nice. I’d like to see a modern manifesto that focuses on guiding real occurring behavior. And yeah, I assume all economic philosophies have work and trade. My lived example was more or less equal exchanges without exploitation.
Nah, true socialism was my very small community that basically traded favors and helped each other out. Legalized weed killed it. Idealoging from an armchair doesn’t do shit. Go out and make shit happen. It’s possible if you’re actually serious.
Do devs get paid royalties? If not, why would they be mad at something that doesn’t affect them?
What if you only had cash?
Mind if I ask why you’d switch to Ti? Probably stiffness, but wouldn’t the added weight be less agile and take more effort overall?
See, I don’t need the answer to how many gallons of water to fill a pool so I won’t bother looking it up. But if someone replied I’d read it out of curiosity and be better for it. Discussions aren’t just 1 on 1 dialogos, they’re broad and general to a broad and general audience.
I’ve had a few on both sides. Motorcycle/car accident was easy when you’re in it. I just close my eyes and let whatever happens happen. On the other hand, deciding and actually taking that plunge has been the most difficult action I’ve ever experienced. Every bit of your body and soul screams at you to stop.
It’s great when you’re young and have the spare time and energy on such things.
I’d still go with the flippers. The sacrifice to articulation seems like a deal breaker.
The fremen meticulously conserved and saved water to one day turn the planet into a habital environment. That’s pretty hopeful, I think. Frank didn’t really mature that arc of the story and instead focused, like you said, on religious fanaticism and dogma.
It’s been on for years now. It’s just more effective now and will continue to get more intrusive.
Older lcd and plasma displays used to flash yellow when moving my eyes around the screen. People thought I was taking crazy pills.
Our based opinions aren’t allowed over there. You have to bend left until your view is broken.