Who writes the laws? There’s your answer.
I’m curious why https://www.falconfinance.ae/ cares about this though.
The hell they are selling? https://www.falconfinance.ae/falcon-securities/
If international law doesn’t apply in Palestine, it doesn’t apply anywhere else either
Who writes the laws? There’s your answer.
I’m curious why https://www.falconfinance.ae/ cares about this though.
The hell they are selling? https://www.falconfinance.ae/falcon-securities/
I am impressed with how many games are now playable on Linux with Proton and how well they look and play, to think this game meanwhile has graphics glitches on the PS5. I might get one myself.
Now they are tunneling below the Japanese Alps to build a maglev connecting Tokyo to Osaka, the Tokaido Shinkansen is at capacity running 17 trains an hour during rush hours.
TIL, thanks
I didn’t know that. You are not thinking of Spacetoon by neighboring Bahrain? The two countries 🇧🇭🇶🇦 can get easily confused. If Al Jazeera did have a kids channel it is news to me.
It is not propaganda if it is true. Al Jazeera has journalists on the ground and many of them have been killed by Israeli forces.
It suggested Al Jazeera has a leftist bias, despite Al Jazeera being funded by Qatar the furthest thing from being a leftist government. It is biased against any non-Western sources.
A lot of people hate on modern Arab cities, but they aren’t as bad as they may seem. Cities are divided into districts, and each district is more or less self sufficient: bakeries, barber shops, supermarkets, schools, mosques, soccer fields, restaurants, banks, hotels, … So as child with a bicycle I can reach everywhere I needed to go. It is when moving between districts that it can get tricky since you will have to cross fast moving stroads or highways.
This is why you also need government/public housing. When rents went up here the government had more houses built.
OP is arguing for more government involvement in the economy but doesn’t know it. The government can set prices and subsidize certain things, at least they do that here.
systemd is the future, and the future has been here for over a decade and yet old Unix and BSD purists still cry about it
I have one simple thing to say to the downvoters: I am not using a minicomputer from 1970, why should I be bound by the limits set then?