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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Real answer, Elon made it more friendly to the far right (the racists and Nazis) and unbanned a bunch of them who had previously been banned for being too racist and Nazi. Then he introduced a subscription service where you pay to have Twitter spread your content.

    So that started a doom loop: The far right bought the additional views, people who didn’t appreciate the extra racism and Nazi views on their timeline left Twitter, but the view boost was paid for so it kept pushing those views to the fewer people who remained, then THAT volume of hate pushed more people away, etc.

    It probably got to the point that they couldn’t keep paid views high enough with just people who care about politics and they had to just push at all costs, eventually to you.

  • That only works if literally every landlord is conspiring together. If they’re not, then people will flock to the landlords that don’t increase the price, or only increase a little. Meanwhile, you think car salesmen will see an extra $1000/mo and not try to take advantage? Why do you think landlords will successfully take all $1000 and nobody else will get a penny?

    Everyone will try to get that $1000/mo, but they will have to compete with each other and the people with the money are rational actors who will pick the best use for their funds.

    Meanwhile, the question of whether it’s inflationary will depend on where the money comes from. If it’s matched by a tax that pulls money out of the system at the same time the UBI puts money in, then it won’t be inflationary it will just redistribute wealth from the taxed (in every plan I’ve seen, the wealthy) to everyone else.

  • The tale of the internet has been curation, and I would describe it a little differently.

    First we had hand made lists of website (Yahoo directory, or we had a list of websites literally written in pen in a notebook saying “yahoo.com” and “disney.com”).

    Then it was bot-assisted search engines like Google.

    Then there was so much content we didn’t even know where to start with Google, so we had web rings, then forums, then social media to recommend where to go. Then substack style email newsletters from your chosen taste makers are a half-step further curated from there.

    If that is all getting spammed out of existence, I think the next step is an AI filter, you tell the AI what you like and it sifts through the garbage for you.

    The reasons we moved past each step are still there, we can’t go back, but we can fight fire with fire.

  • What is the percentage of the Western world that believes in profit motive and private ownership of property, 90%? I don’t think it’s BECAUSE they are religious conservatives.

    I don’t think religions are inherently socialistic. There’s a socialist reading of the text, but in terms of like the historical role of the Catholic church it was more like a government than a commune. Governments aren’t inherently socialistic (unless you’re using a pretty broad view of the word). They help the poor and set rules to follow but they’re only directly managing their portion (10%-30%) of the economy, the rest can be anything.