I am trying to focus on posting source documents, as opposed to someone else’s reporting on source documents.

  • 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This is especially true if a simulated universe is indistinguishable from base reality - so perfect in all its aspects that it is identical.

    You can also get into the fact that we do not and can not objectively experience reality, simulated or not. Our experience and perception is based on the senses we have, which are inaccurate, and the brain that interprets the inputs, which makes shit up and is wrong all the time. Yes, we can use tools and measurements to enhance our perception and make it more accurate as far as understanding is concerned, but we actually each live in a universe manufactured by our own mind.

  • I don’t find the distinction particularly useful. We seek to understand more accurately how our universe works, with disregard to whether it is direct reality or simulated reality. The increased accuracy that we discover may result in our knowing whether we are in a simulation, or it may not.

    Either way, something is base reality, whether it is our universe as we observe and experience it, or some number of simulated levels “below” it. Our own state as simulated or real doesn’t change that. There is isness.

  • I’ve also heard that if you read something, look away, look back and read it again, and it’s different, then you’re dreaming. You can practice this experiment when you’re awake; this will condition your brain to do that reflexively, and eventually you’ll do it in a dream.

    One of the possible outcomes of this kind of dream-testing is lucid dreaming. When you’re dreaming, knowing you’re dreaming inside the dream can give you some semi-conscious control of the entire dream universe. Wanna fly? BAM you can fly. Enemies need smiting? SMITE. Done.

    Now I’m wondering if the “real me” that, you know is actually real … doesn’t just entirely believe that I’m really real, but is really just a dream of the next level up. Same thing goes for the other direction, with innumerable layers to the onion. How could I possibly know?


  • Damaging thought patterns are just a part of the problem for many people. Those thought patterns are part and parcel of the landscape of personal relationships you have in your life, and talking to someone outside of that paradigm can give you the opportunity to think differently.

    A decent therapist is going to come to the table with tools and skills to share, because they have training and experience. They’re not (hopefully) just some random “other person.” They’ll also be better equipped to recognize the symptoms of specific clinical health conditions, and address those conditions accordingly, whether that means adjusting what kinds of coping skills they recommend to you, or referring you to a psychiatrist for appropriate medication to be used alongside therapy.

    I was raised in an area where if you have a problem: deal with it.

    “Deal with it.” Okay, how? If you don’t know how, and you get stuck in a feedback loop, a therapist can help you break out of that loop. Could you perhaps do that on your own? Maybe, and if you can, it may take longer and be much more difficult. There is no shame in getting guidance through the difficult parts of life from people who have expertise in providing such guidance.