• 0 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • it seems to have become more frequent recently.

    i’ve been experiencing the same on firefox and i’ve also heard other people report the same on firefox, which happened around the time of the firefox 129 release. i didn’t see anything noteworthy in the release notes though that’d explain this. it seems like it might be related to enhanced tracking protection and cookie isolation.

  • What do you mean by “finish federation”?

    Generally, individual activities (subscriptions, posts, comments, votes, etc) are federated within less than a minute of them being created. Your instance learns about other instances e.g. from votes seen on other instances. You’ll need to start subscribing to some communities on other instances to get started. You may want to check out Lemmy Explorer or Lemmy Community Browser to find communities and Lemmy Federate to automatically subscribe to other communities and get content sent to you.

    The allowed instances list means that the instance will only connect to those instances and will refuse to send activities to any other instance.

  • records can’t be duplicated in the database, the activity id is a unique key:

    lemmy=# \d sent_activity
                                                   Table "public.sent_activity"
               Column            |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                  Default
     id                          | bigint                   |           | not null | nextval('sent_activity_id_seq'::regclass)
     ap_id                       | text                     |           | not null |
     data                        | json                     |           | not null |
     sensitive                   | boolean                  |           | not null |
     published                   | timestamp with time zone |           | not null | now()
     send_inboxes                | text[]                   |           | not null |
     send_community_followers_of | integer                  |           |          |
     send_all_instances          | boolean                  |           | not null |
     actor_type                  | actor_type_enum          |           | not null |
     actor_apub_id               | text                     |           |          |
        "sent_activity_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
        "sent_activity_ap_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (ap_id)