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Swiss Pan-European Nationalist

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Yoi’re Strawmanning.

    Is Bejing paying you to do this?

    No, they’re awful at building infrastructure. They’re able to build it really really fast, but they’re always prioritizing speed over longevity, leading to bad infrastructure that eventually collapses.

    Just think about it: in Switzerland we often take longer to survey the ground than it takes the Chinese to build the whole thing. This can’t work

    1. you’re strawmanning. I never made this about communism, you did.

    I never made this about natural disasters, I was always very clear I was talking about early warning systems

    You know, the kind that stops a Train if the rails literally snapped apart

    But seriously, how much does the CCP pay for this? Just keeping my options open.

  • woah, woah, context, context!

    We only drove international routes that would have impacted Swiss people if they just suddenly stopped at the Swiss border. We didn’t “break” a Strike, we just “contained” it to the country it actually belongs to.

    other than that we wish the best to the protesting workers :P

    But yeah, I am absolutely spoiled living here in Switzerland.

    The most powerful thing about our public transport isn’t even what most people tend to think about. It’s how regional and local public transport are integrated. A Bus will be at the train station exactly at the same time as a train, so you can effortlessly change between the two. While in other countries the transport is separated so you routinely wait 20+ minutes for your next transport, in Switzerland, it is seldom more than 5-10 minutes.

    Yeah, I am absolutely spoiled. But at least I know it and don’t take it for granted but instead enjoy it :)

  • with how deperately you’re trying to defend china / deflect from china with whataboutism, I am starting to think you may get paid by bejing 🤔

    1. No, nothing is crumbling “here”. I want actual Proof that shit is crumbling “here”.

    2. No, “we” (you) are definitely doing well. pretty well even. Only second to the EU.

    Public “debt” isn’t really a problem as long as its in measures. A country isn’t a zero-sum game, spending money isn’t “wasted” or “lost” money, it’s “invested” money. “Debt” is a Term used to make “investment into the future of the country” sound like a bad thing. which is a very conservative thing to do. which is funny, considering how you’re looking up to china.

    I mean: just look at your beloved china. They’re also accumulating massive debt in order to invest into the country and pump up the economy. In the most simple example: You need money to build a port, you need a port to sell stuff, and you need to sell stuff in order to make money.

    Anyways, I always said I would rather be poor in ww2-Britain than be rich in Nazi-Germany. I would still rather be poor in the US than in China.

    You should really really be grateful for what you have. I don’t mean you shouldn’t strive to make your country better, but also realize that you live in a amazing country.

  • Better than anything I’ve seen in europe or UK

    I will unironically take you out for a Beer here in Switzerland. You can choose: Geneva, Bern, Lucern or Zürich. Because no, the trains in China are definitely worse than those here in Switzerland. Trust me.

    They’re really really fast, I’ll give them that (If you’re on one of the ones that the CCP prioritized as a prestige-project), but other than that: No, Swiss trains are just better.


    In terms of train derailments, you have to consider the size of the country

    I am going to have to strongly disagree.

    The Video I saw was a earthslide that destroyed the rails and no early warning system picked it up causing the Train to run into it full speed and derailing

    If your railways don’t have early warning systems, that’s just completely unacceptable. Train safety has absolutely nothing to do with the size of a country.

    Which I was especially disappointed in since I once saw a documentary about how the chinese had apparently implemented the swiss train-security system into their railway system. But I guess only the “important” routes get the upgrade. Everywhere else either doesn’t get it or the money goes into the carpark of the local Officials.