
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too, baby.

Other versions of me:

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Huh, I’ve always been a tea drinker rather than coffee, and I’ve always found tea more calming that coffee or caffeinated sodas. This could be why.

    It could also help explain why my mother, who I’ve suspected for a while was undiagnosed, favored tea over coffee all her life and really went off the rails once she developed a caffeine allergy and stopped drinking it.

  • If I know long long it takes to get somewhere, I will somehow find myself leaving the house with exactly that amount of time, leaving no space for delays. This is bad. So instead I’ve started saying “I’m going to leave at this time, which is definitely more time than I need” and then not looking at a clock when I get there so I never find out how much closer I could cut it.

    The other strategy is to plan to eat when I get there, before whatever it is starts. I will be motivated to get there with enough time to eat.