it does seem like a good translator for the less human readable stuff like regex and such. I’ve dabbled with it a bit but I’m a technical artist and haven’t found much use for it in the things I do.
Just a silly feller
it does seem like a good translator for the less human readable stuff like regex and such. I’ve dabbled with it a bit but I’m a technical artist and haven’t found much use for it in the things I do.
I’m curious what you use it for at work.
Google told me they really care about my privacy, tho.
Nah, a billionaire is a billionaire. There’s still people being exploited to get that much money. I don’t completely disagree, though - at least Gaben didn’t make Valve completely evil and yeah, it’s better than fucking up the property market for generations of people.
This is where I’m trying to get to. Any new software I try to make sure is foss and linux where possible. It’s just a bit of a pain with music because there’s a lot of tools I’ve bought over the years and would like to continue using.
Yes, I’ve been trying hard to squeeze some linux into my life, currently trying to turn an old laptop into a little music machine for jamming with on me midi keyboard. I’ve run across quite a few issues just trying to get specific software working. I did cave at one point and try to use windows 10 but their installation media tool would fail every time I tried and the hardware is too old for windows 11 lol. It also triggered my gag reflex just thinking of all the ads it would feed me and all the bullshit I’d have to disable to make it respect my privacy. A number of different distros just worked flawlessly, though, and if all I needed to do was simple computer things and web I’d be laughing.
Yeah, there’s still some other little things, but it’s surprising just how good the out of the box experience is, especially considering how little support the project has had from hardware and software vendors.
Linux is honestly great, literally the only things holding it back is programs supporting it. I’m painfully tied to a select few windows programs for work and hobbies, Wine tries its best but programs need to start supporting linux before proper adoption can kick off.
Even if they’re not paid for reviews are a terrible way of knowing if you’ll enjoy a movie. They’re so subjective. I just ignore the entire movie review system and watch the damn movie. I don’t even do trailers because they so often give the entire plot away. Pay attention to what you enjoy - actors, directors, cinematographers. It’s not too hard to find stuff you’ll likely enjoy.
I loved Elden Ring, I don’t play many games these days but it really hooked me. But also it really needs to get over itself and add difficulty options.
I do think the difficulty is part of the fun but I almost didn’t finish it because it was so all over the place, toward the end it just got grindy, bosses just turned into long roll fests until you got your one chance per minute to knock off 2% of its health bar. They feel more like endurance matches that test your patience more than skill.
Sometimes I’m dying a lot and having fun because the challenge is good, but sometimes it’s just tedious and I want to move on to the next area. I would love to be able to drop the difficulty for a bit just for those spots, hell make it an in game item called cry baby bottle for losers and wimps for all I care.
Fun fact: There’s a type of squat called a ‘Sissy Squat’ which gets its name from Sisyphus.
Yeah, so much US content gets geoblocked here. It’s super weird, just a random clip from a show on youtube? woops, looks like that content isn’t available in your country.
I could be wrong but I thought this was also how UBI would be implemented? It would just be a safety net for those without employment?
Edit: I just googled it and I am indeed wrong. What I was thinking of is called a guaranteed minimum income. That makes a bit more sense to me than a UBI, but if it wasn’t apparent I’m obviously not well read on the topics.
One of my favourite anecdotes is that the agency stole the music in that ad. After a lot of effort the guy that made it finally got them to pay royalties.
As a man… that sounds about right lol. I was watching a show and then realised if I wanted the later seasons I’d have to subscribe to a different service and I took that personally and got annoyed and now I just pirate stuff. No one tells this manly feller what to do.
Ahh, that was just me misunderstanding what patron meant, my bad.
I meant Blender, they seem to be majority funded by regular people.
I may be wrong but I thought they were majority user funded.
edit: looking at their funding reports it seems that way, but I may be misinterpreting it.
I’m not sure if this qualifies exactly but the FOSS 3D package Blender has been surviving for quite some time. They’re in Amsterdam, not silicon valley, but they seem to do really well off primarily donations and funding from some big companies.
The comments are funny but if you read the article he just did it for the bit. Apparently he changed quite a bit over that time and regretted being an angry forum nerd, so he thought it would be funny to do one last post and abandon the account.