Wow its good this article isn’t talking about speech like that
Wow its good this article isn’t talking about speech like that
I’d love to try TL. I’m in another private tracker, but it isn’t great if I’m being honest.
Episcopalians, despite often being called the Republican party at prayer, often lean pretty left actually.
I use GigaRapid, andnive got no complaints so far. Good speeds, wish I had more storage space, but a lot of their options were sold out when I signed up
Big “if you’re innocent, you’ve got nothing to hide” energy. I can be innocent and still not want unnecessary interaction with police and appreciate my privacy
Agree to disagree I guess. I think protecting ideas is an important safeguard that encourages people to take the risk of investing in research.
You can’t patent things that aren’t a process or a product, so no you can’t patent genes.
Patents take quite a bit of effort to write up if you really want to protect your intellectual property, and their scope is pretty narrow. The patent holder can also license with interested parties if they want.
Patents are incredibly important for R&D as without them, there is no protection of IP
The problem with this is entropy. Heat dissipated to the environment is highly entropic (more disorganized, less useful heat/energy), and to effectively extract it, you’d need to reduce the entropy, which requires more energy that you would get from the heat you recovered.