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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • I’m running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and finally completely dumped Win10 as it was BSODing itself apart during games anyway.

    Constantly impressed with how many games “just work”, and not even just with Steam. Heroic for GoG stuff, Lutris, Bottles for classics I still got on disc…it’s awesome!

    But you mentioned Windows Only VR and I got all excited…except I’ve got a Samsung Odyssey+ (WMR) and realized Monado is the only hope of it not being an expensive blackbox brick. :(

  • I empathize with you so much I wish I could just give you a hug. For real.

    It’s the state religion of “total work.” Most of us are kept on such a short leash with such exhausting drudgery and with the background of every waking moment shouting about how our situation will destabilize at any moment, so we have to deliver more “value” lest we get left behind to die.

    So we start weighing every single thing in the languages of currency, and business, and “return on investment.” The final and often terminal corpo-brain-rot stage is when we convince ourselves we actually like this state of being.

    Anymore, people can’t just do, or be, everything has to be a “side hustle” or “monetizable”. It somehow paywalls the arts or hobbies into being something pursuable only if you’ve got limitless energy or are born into an environment that fosters it.

    I dunno what the answer is…my therapist kept trying to convince me to set aside a block of time that I respect for things like this. I still want to do that, but I’m in this community for a reason LMAO.

    But every act of creation for its own sake is an act of rebellion against being turned into a commoditized consumer-laborer. An act of humanity.

    It sounds so backwards, but maybe try to join a group or other kind of “accountability” friends that will hold you to doing this thing you actually enjoy. It might be really hard to break out of this perverse culture, but you might even find more energy if you allow your inner child to play once in a while. :)

    Whatever it is that your soul lights up for, I’m praying you find a way to pursue it. We don’t get a second chance. <3

  • Okay for real though… storage size? Terrible I agree.

    But I’ve been kinda obsessed lately with the form factor of diskettes. They’re:

    • Not super easy to lose (looking at for you, nanoSD)
    • They’re easily labeled.
    • Unlike flash drives, aren’t vulnerable to snagging and getting ripped out of the machine or damaging the port when inserted.
    • Easily stacked or filed away.
    • Most importantly: Make a nice satisfying “ka-chunk” when inserting into a drive.
    • Satisfyingly fly out of said drive when you push the eject button firmly.

    Nowadays, if we made a diskette that basically replaced the magnetic disc with flash memory, and the shutter protected the connectors, you could hypothetically store like 1TB in that space, it could likely be read super fast, and would obviously be way more reliable than the old “Oh no a speck of dust ruined my 2MB file” of old floppies.

    I’d even settle for an open standard akin to Sony’s chunky little Memory Sticks…I liked those.

  • Worked for a public library in the U.S.

    It was eye-opening and soul crushing how many people were there just because the government/insurance/medical/legal/whatever was forcing them to fax pages.

    What’s more hilarious is that faxes are only in black and white…and these jokers would demand faxed IDs and licenses…and then complain when all the pretty-pretty reflective anti-counterfeit layers resulted in a mostly black blob rectangle.

    We had to use some scanner that basically “e-faxed” it anyway. It took a long time per page, charged $1/per, BTW, and after it connected to a kind of “courier server” it would attempt to establish the phone line connection.

    This would routinely time out and require you to hit “retry” before it just closed and erased everything you just did.

    Even then, it would regularly encounter some random connection error and…close and erase everything you just did.

    …Sending so many stupid faxes was a huge motivator behind quitting that clown show, among a million other things lol.

  • Wow, I really appreciate you taking the time. I’m bookmarking this. Thanks, Dan!

    As I look to upgrade or re-factor the server a bit, I’m gonna take a closer look at Podman. Not running as root by default sounds extremely sensible!

    I tried that with a few of my Docker containers with results ranging from “Did it actually do it?” to “Nice job breaking it, hero.” Lol

    OMV has a really nice Docker GUI built in, but I’d much rather be ready to understand the open-for-all solution if I could. :)

    Hope you have a great one!