Make a meal, you will get better at it every time and figure out your own method and feel. New things I use recipes for as reference. At first you will just wanna take your time and don’t stress yourself out.
Make a meal, you will get better at it every time and figure out your own method and feel. New things I use recipes for as reference. At first you will just wanna take your time and don’t stress yourself out.
It took me a while to realize how fundamentally important boundaries were to my mental health and well being. It’s super simple, so its often overlooked. It solves many many issues.
Absolutely. This is the only social media I use, cause i get really good stipulation here, otherwise I ignore my phone and have largely cut a lot of the b s out of my life. I’m a recluse by nature, so I feel you all the way.
I’d never opt for it unless i couldnt function without it, and I sure don’t wanna live forever in a computer, or at all. The potential for abuse is astronomical. Let’s hope we have fought for a massive shift in consciousness before this comes to full fruition, right?
I’m in the US, and I just started going to the doc in my whole adult life. My arms are bricked up, tingling, and spasms. Doc says it’s carpal tunnel, which checks out. I can’t afford anything beyond my general care atp. Apparently I’ll need surgery and physical therapy asap, I work with my hand in the trades. I’d be screwed without them as I have zero savings, etc. The doc gave me referrals with nowhere to go. I asked and they said “well your insurance is tricky, find somewhere”. Lovely!
I understand that this is the place and times I exist in, but hell if I can’t bitch about it (:
Judging by your username, and some of the context, you seem similar to me. These people are right. Go, and stay on top of it. I put off my health my entire life and now I am hurting. Life may be suffering, but it’s worth it ime, and it’s worth the fight to make it better. I hope you find something worthwhile to crawl out of that hole for. Sorry I don’t mean to intrude, I’m just super empathetic to your situation, went through it bad, and I’m just crawling out of the dark tunnel now, in my 30s. (:
They did that a tiny bit in early math classes. In high school, none. I failed every year cause I didn’t care about what X is. I erased the problem. No more problem. I was a dumb kid with shit teachers. And here I am using math everyday and finding I’m fairly decent at mental math and weird fractions. Guess I’m a hand on learner. I dunno. I agree with you.
Warrior is pretty good. It’s a Bruce Lee screenplay. The choreography is great, and hits on a lot of americam social political and economic themes.
I use math everyday as well in the trades. Not too complex math, but my point was not the math itself, rather the way it was taught to me and the context given, which was none. I’m definitely not saying don’t teach math, quite the opposite. I’m a hands on learner. Math for the sake of math to 15 yr old me seemed like an empty exercise. If I could do it again, I’d probably be good at it. But that’s life.
Which should be taught, imo. police are not your friends. They arrest you for profit. I learned how to deal the hard way. But least I know now. I guess teaching it would be counter to the whole reason of policing so yea. 🤷
Some people don’t have parents. But I generally agree with you.
Now I have been outa school since 2008, but back then, in public school, they didn’t teach us shit. Like actual useful things. How to deal with emotions, personal finance, How to deal with police, mindfulness, critical thinking…nothing. all busy work and history through the American lense (propaganda). I even had a science teacher who was super religious and said earth was created 6000 years ago…it was geology ffs. Math was the worst imo. Solve for X, zero context. The only reasoning they gave to learn it was “to get in to college”.
Safe to say I didn’t go to college.
Great post OP
Practicing mindfulness has been the most important thing in my life for my own health and growth as a person.
I got into eastern philosophy in high school, and never really looked back, only building my own system tailored to me and extrapolating the principles into every possible facet, and every moment. It’s a battle to stay constantly on the point, but one I really enjoy having.
This is a fair take.
Due the circumstances right now, we’ve got more tech and privacy minded people, as well as more “principaled” folk, so we definitely skew a certain way.
I’d say give it time. Imo, things will sort of water down if more people keep joining. (For lack of a better term)
But I will respectfully disagree, I’m kinda enjoying it, and I’m not half as smart as some of the people on here, but I do totally understand your perspective.
You can still browse reddit w RiF too, just not logged in. I just happen to like it here better.
Yea. I think woman are wired to be more attracted to the actual qualities of a man and ability to provide over the aesthetic appeal, but both are good obviously. I’m not a women, but have had this conversation with my partner. So I’m an expert (;
Women are just better than men in a practical sense lol. I’m just a dumb man. But me do chores, me man, me get laid.
Look, I spent my entire adulthood addicted to drugs. I have done nothing. BUT I wouldn’t trade my experience for the world, because ultimately I like who I am because of it.
You need to appreciate experience for what it is. There is no goal, but death, and that is the ultimate completion.
Life is pointless. The only point is what your able to mine from it. I have settled on appreciation, and enjoy the ride (:
Shortly after joining I realized I was being a bit too honest on here lol. Can’t help it. Haven’t been on SM in a few days, in hiding from people, now back to my ditch to die. Love you!
I just want to live my life without being harassed tbh. I vote D, but they are largely all corporate shills at the presidential level. I don’t know what else to say. The money involved in politics sort of makes the whole thing a farce imo.
Hey you sound just like me. If your going to move, perhaps somewhere like PA? It’s got the benefit of being a battleground state, and there’s more than enough rural areas, even relatively close to the cities, where you can continue your hermitage. I’m doing something similar (: