I started with X-Com: Terror from the Deep on the PS1. Loved it, sucked at it. I can still remember the fantastic atmosphere though, fueled mostly by my men horribly dying every few turns and the great music of the PS1 version. An example.
I put some time into the reboot, but never made it far, as I insisted on playing on ironman. Tried XCOM2 when it was in a humble bundle, but the timed missions made me quit.
Gave XCOM2 another try a few days ago and timed missions made me quit again. I know I could mod them out but I am not really a fan of changing gameplay elements on the first playthrough. Any tips on how to handle them?
I think Songwhip is what you are looking for. Here is an example: https://songwhip.com/ed-schraders-music-beat/pilot