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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Ugh. That reminds me of a time probably around 2012. I was working for a pretty large company, and they had our health insurance provider come in. The insurance provider was offering $100 to any employees that came in and gave a sample of blood. This was not a blood drive, they wanted samples. There was a line going down the hallway of people excited to get a benjamin. I encouraged them to get off the line because they were just going to use the data from the blood tests to raise our rates. Everybody laughed at me.

    Couple months later all of our insurance rates got jacked up. Like how did people not see what was going on? Did they really think the insurance company was there to give away free money and not somehow turn a profit? Fucking bananas.

  • I use a Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch and I love it. It looks and functions like a mechanical watch but it has smart features. It won’t show your messages, but you can set contacts to numbers so you k ow if it vibrates weather or not it’s worth checking your phone. For example, I have my wife set to #1 in the app, so when she calls or texts, my watch vibrates, and the both the minute and second hand point to 1 on the face (and go back to telling time shortly after). There are 3 programmable buttons, one of which I set to ring my phone when I can’t find it, another I set to take a picture with my phone (works great for group photos when you setup your phone on the other side of the room), and the 3rd one points the hands to tell me that date. It has a pedometer with a goal meter that fills up through the day, and the one feature I probably live the most is that it uses a normal watch battery that needs to be replaced like once every 9 months or so. So no worrying about recharging etc. And this is all on an old version of the watch. There are newer ones with more features. It’s the smartest dumb watch you can get. I love it.

  • Oh hey! I actually read into this recently. It came from wondering what exactly “The Witching Hour” was, and apparently it was invented by Christians and it’s between 3am and 4am. I thought “oh hey that’s interesting when did that start?”, and then when I read that it may have started back in 1535 I was like “Wait how the fuck did they know it was 3am in 1535? When were clocks invented?!”

    So that’s when I found out that mechanical clocks actually date back to the 1300s

    So then I was like “well how did they tell time at night before that?” and it ends up that all the way back in the 16th century BC, they had these things called water clocks. So basically, they had figured out the sun dial a few hundred years before that, and while tracking an hour, they had 2 vessels, one full of water and the other empty. They would have the water flow from one to the other so that when the top vessel was empty, x amount of time had passed (for sake of simplicity call it a hour), then they would pour the water back into the top vessel to measure the next hour, and they were able to do this without the sun. It was basically the same concept of an hourglass (which actually didn’t come around until 1000 AD) but with water.

    And before sundials and water clocks? I dunno. I guess they just went to sleep when the sun went down, and woke up when it came up, and didn’t plan things around specific times. Sounds pretty nice, honestly.

  • I’m really surprised Dokaryan hasn’t done this one yet. For those unfamiliar he’s a guy that makes videos of soaking food in liqour for a week “or until something interesting happens”. He then eats some of the food, and takes a shot of the liqour. His concoctions range from really delicious (strawberry candy in blueberry vodka) to downright foul (squid in Kraken rum).

    His personality probably isn’t for everybody. He’s kinda loud and owns way too many fedoras, but he has grown on me.