Why did u linked Hogwarts?
Why did u linked Hogwarts?
I’d rather be able to connect a keyboard with wifi/bluetooth adapter or connect my phone for typing rather than have physical keyboard in any of handled devices. Dunno, small keyboards just doesn’t makes sense for my big fingers
Don’t worry, it isn’t noticeable
I wish this game had a remake
There are many reasons to criticise this game, but short version should be “it is still not even half of what it calls itself”.
Yeah yeah, before release they promised few DLCs to get more pre-orders, then game flopped and they said DLCs cancelled, then that they told that they would make one DLC only. Yeah, you should totally believe in the words of corporates.
Will buy complete edition three years from now when game will be finished.
I watched the youtube video about it and as far as i understand:
Venezuela doesn’t allow people to exchange in it’s currency from other currencies unless you are a person from president family or friends with him
However there is a weird legal way to do so, but it takes a huge amount of time and paperwork and you still can get rejected
There is shady exchangers in the country, but it is illegal and you might get in troubles even trying to do so with the wrong people and I don’t think someone would actually do it online