You get off on upsetting the people around you. That’s not normal behavior…
You get off on upsetting the people around you. That’s not normal behavior…
You might be a sociopath
FO76 is like that too, although you do have to hit the mob once, which can be a problem if high leveled players are killing things too quickly.
No need to re-release, the next system is going to be backwards compatible. Plus I believe some of these newer games like TTYD have code hidden in them to run better with the new system.
Wait that’s really what it stands for? I keep seeing some commotion over it every so often but I thought it was just an abbreviation of a country or something.
No it’s because all the Apple emulator users being reckless as fuck, flocking to the site all at once to try games they could have emulated on PC for decades now…
Well can’t some other ship from Singapore come by and pickup the crew and take them back?
That’s an interesting concept: holding a pic of someone (presumably it gets updated every few years?) for like 15 years, imagining all these possibilities the whole time, and then finally meeting them and realizing, “nope not for me”.
Kinda true. Regular cars have an Equivalent Single-Axle Load (ESAL) of 0.0004. Basically, it takes about 9,600 cars to put as much wear on the pavement as one 5-axle Semi.
I’ve heard it’s actually both! Which sucks, like I love the efficiency aspect of LEDs, but some of them really are not built well…
That’s what I’ve heard, yeah. I bought this lightpad thing on Amazon for tracing, and after using it maybe 30 mins or so I felt SUPER off the rest of the day, it was awful. Pretty sure that thing has the shittiest quality LED nodes available.
For me it’s the damn LED lights. I heard how they work is basically by constantly turning on and off and on and off at a speed imperceptible to us, but the end effect is that they are basically strobe lights. So those of us susceptible to strobe lights can get migraines if exposed to them for too long in one sitting.
Man, this cartoonist is living the life. Just spin a wheel to pick a random theme, crank out a few shitty comics, and collect a check.
Another helmet one? I don’t understand this shit, these people put helmets on of what they’re going to do or what they like?
So wouldn’t the solution be to call it Camellia tea instead of “Chai tea”?
You can be concise and still be respectful. Wouldn’t you agree?
Edit: looks like they changed their response after I typed this. I’m done here.
What? There is a huge gap between saying “She turned out to be a fatty, YUCK!” and saying “My date lied about who they were”.
It’s about being polite… but I guess that sentiment is all but dead these days.
What a douche, why would he think it’s endearing to show how shallow and fatphobic he is?
Yeah well they were pretty shortsighted calling that specific plant “tea” when there are plenty of different varieties of plants out there that can be used to make tea. That’d be like referring to one specific fruit as “fruit”. No one would be silly enough to do something like that.
Me neither, and I guess they didn’t need them all in the end!