Fair enough, I totally get that! I’m just on the other end of things – I feel like Toby Fox is saying that you can always choose to be better or you can ultimately make a turn for the worst, sometimes you change in time for it to make a difference and sometimes you don’t. Since Deltarune actually has multiple save slots I’ve found it easier to do a Sliding Doors kind of What If…? scenario where I can see how things are different depending on what choices I make.
I confess I can’t go truly evil without feeling awful but I am curious about certain things like how I decide to help a certain character, who I encourage, if I want the main character to be an independent single type that cherishes their friendships or what if I choose to give one of those love interests a chance. I could only do the two intended playthroughs of Undertale with the single save system and how long it was to go through the entire game twice. With the multiple save slots in Deltarune and the fact that I have plenty of time in between chapters to play through each one through two alternate saved paths is what actually makes it possible for me to see what could have been if I’d chosen differently the first time instead of having to look it up later. The chapters are actually pretty long so it’s hard for me to imagine playing through the entire game multiple times without these long breaks in between.
There was a remix of Gato’s Song from Chrono Trigger where they performed it in several different styles and added in a crowd booing after every performance that strangely stuck with me after all these years.
And I found it! It’s Team Gato by Dale North and Mustin! And here’s the link to it directly on Youtube.