No, I just was under the impression that Moonlight was the best solution
No, I just was under the impression that Moonlight was the best solution
Not anymore. They are owned by Songtradr now
Administrative bloat. At my university, if my lab lands a grant, 60% goes to the university and only 40% is used for actual research. There’s a long chain of people whose jobs are to answer emails, and they all need to be paid.
Ah, yes. Nintendo has definitely done evil on the level of… checks notes …slavery.
Might want to reevaluate your list there.
Does your school have a robotics team or something along the lines of computing? That would be a good option. Also if you are still in high school and plan on going to college, you still have plenty of time to learn.
Well luckily AI researchers have achieved plenty in over 60 years. We call the ideas and innovations resulting from this research “AI.”
So the entire field of AI has produced no AI. Gotcha 👌
OK what qualifies as AI then?
Oof, programmers calling LLMs “AI” - that’s embarrassing
…but LLMs quite literally come from the field of computer science that is referred to as “AI.” What are they supposed to call it? I’m not a fan of the technology either, but seems like you’re just projecting your disdain for ChatGPT.
deleted by creator
I’m aware. Krohnkite got updated to support 6
Even if you want tiling, Krohnkite is available for Plasma 6. It was enough for me to switch away from Sway, since I care less about minimalism.
Check his account. It is a spam account
This is such a high level description that it is a meaningless comparison. The fact that Fallout doesn’t take itself nearly as seriously as Westworld is already a huge difference. Sometimes the implementation is what is valuable, not the idea.
FYI, leetcode is not a “learn to code” website it is a “practice problems that will be asked at tech interviews” site. A lot of these problems are inspired by (or maybe are even literally from) interviews at “top companies” like Google, Facebook, etc. They are almost completely algorithmic or data structure problems, i.e. “unrelated to your actual work” (well, most of your actual work for most people).
Wouldn’t you argue that putting hard restrictions would have the benefit of shrinkjng your recruitment team? To be clear, I’m coming from an extremely anecdotal point of view, but to me it seems like tech is full of imposters jumping from job to job, playing up their experience. Recruiters cannot spot these people, because they know all the jargon despite having none of the skills. This is why these technical interviews exist, but now those are even being gamed by people by studying leetcode. I’d be really curious what a high quality tech recruiter does vs the average.
We do require a BS in computer science
The only scenarios where I’d think I wouldn’t require one are
#1 and #2 are indicative of other problems in your company. I get that you can be a good dev without a degree, but from an employer perspective, it seems like an easy way to save time and money on hiring. I am convinced that a lot of money is wasted on recruiters who throw everyone under the sun into the hiring process just so they can justify their existence.
TBH the solution is to salt the pesto less and salt your toppings more, probably by just adding finishing salt after cooking the pizza. Also consider using a nonfresh mozzarella, which generally has more flavor. While the creaminess of fresh is nice, I find it to be way too bland most of the time.
This problem is the exact reason why I stick to pepperoni and banana peppers. They are inherently flavorful and salty.
The tech layoffs are not related to industry replacing those jobs with AI. Tech overhired and now they are adjusting. Simple as that.
I don’t think I’m interested in an NVIDIA Shield since if I like the idea of running any Linux app in case I want to use it for another purpose in the future.
An RPi could be a choice. I forgot that the 5s have hardware decoding. Assuming the 4GB model is suitable, then $60 + cost of a case isn’t too bad. I assume the hardware decoding could keep up with 4k60?