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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • Dunno. I’d expect to have to make several attempts to coax a working snippet from the ai, then spending the rest of the time trying to figure out what it’s done and debugging the result. Faster to do it myself.

    E.g. I once coded Tetris on a whim (45 min) and thought it’d be a good test for ui/ game developer, given the multi disciplinary nature of the game (user interaction, real time engine, data structures, etc) Asked copilot to give it a shot and while the basic framework was there, the code simply didn’t work as intended. I figured if we went into each of the elements separately, it would have taken me longer than if i’d done it from scratch anyway.

  • They built an entire industry dedicated to gaming the search results, so I feel your frustration. Nowadays, if it’s not some influencer telling you to try something, it usually a bunch of topic snobs who need the latest and best (read: most expensive) version of anything - completely unusable for a casual query. If you have friends or local communities with the same hobbies, I’d start there. Or start in the shops - you find out real fast of they’re trying to push product on you, versus genuinely trying to help you find what you need.

  • Sorry, can’t give you references, but the examples I used were from one of the early Mario games. I was around when the euro demo scene was still hot, so there were loads of tips and tricks they used to game the 8086-x386 hardware to create dazzling effects in real time, prior to the introduction of acceleration and dedicated graphics chipsets. It was a truly glorious time, and a great source of wonder growing up in the 90s watching the industry evolve around me.

    Still blows my mind (though not in a good way) to hear a simple app or http framework nowadays needs several gigabytess just to install. Everything I mentioned used to happen in 32k-8mb of RAM.