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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I had to create an account on a government website. The website didn’t list a character limit so I used a password manager to generate a 32 character password. My account was created but I couldn’t log in. I used the “forgot my password” option and I received an email of my password in plain text. I also noticed why I couldn’t log in. The password was truncated to just 20 characters. Brilliant website! Tax dollars at work!

  • The kids are on a field trip but also need to walk into a field so yeah it works in English.

    I don’t know japanese but 遠足 translates to “excursion” and is made up of the characters for “far, estranged, temporarily long” and “foot”. I’m guessing it’s not a pun based on how the kanji is read, but on the meaning of the word itself just like in English.

  • What is there not to trust? There are lots of disassemblers for binary files. Ghidra just comes with tools to make analyzing the resulting assembly code easier by doing things like graphing the jumps in code, allowing the user to give custom names to variables and functions, and attempting to convert the assembly into C code.

    It would make sense that the NSA spends a lot of time reverse engineering programs. Not all hackers share their exploits publically, so one way to find unpublished exploits is by reverse engineering viruses and malware to find out what vulnerabilities are being exploited.