Using the website from outside of the US shows it with its proper name, but then the asshat version in parentheses.
Using the website from outside of the US shows it with its proper name, but then the asshat version in parentheses.
It is an alternative wellness sensory toy using an internal chakra crystal to stimulate a very specific body region—ostensibly for the purpose of massage. While it is primarily ornamental in nature and not typically put to practical use as massaging alternative wellness sensory toy, tradesmen have utilized these as specialty abrasive drill bits when curling their hair or pinning their shawls in very specific ways
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It’s the Harbor Freight poop knife.
What’s the scale? Could be a carrying case for the Earth and Moon for all I know…
Turn that thing to 11, the roof will be on fire!!!
These are a special set of news reporter microphones which are only used to interview urologists.
I think that is a confirmed solve.
I had no idea what a private senior military college was, so this is an interesting learn.
The truck had Massachusetts plates, and the other “Don’t Tread on Me” decal had “Live Free or Die” (the New Hampshire state motto) printed below it.
As far as I know New Hampshire University is always abbreviated as “NHU”, so I’m not sure what the “NU” might be.
Yeah, I was having the same results—google image search and ChatGPT couldn’t identify it.
I’ve had that as a framed needlepoint above my stove since the war.
That’s really up to the eggs…
Please send a self-addressed envelope. It will have to be inside another envelope. But that one should have my address—the one on the outside.
I can’t give you my address, but I’m on one of the continents and via process of elimination, you’ll get it eventually.
It might take a while, so you should probably remind me by including a note that you want the boiled eggs.
It might sound like you would end up sending letters asking for eggs to everyone on earth, but unless I’m the last address you send to, that seems pretty unlikely.
I promise fast boiled-egg shipping once I receive the self-addressed envelope (inside the envelope with my address that arrives at my address). You may need to plan to receive other eggs from other people at other addresses, if they respond to your boiled-egg request attempts.
Apologies in advance, I have a policy of not dealing in hollandaise.
That trackpad and palm rest is looking like Gizmo Duck
Forbes always has misleading, anti-Apple click bait.
When it comes to Apple-related topics, I never click on Forbes articles. Their coverage is inherently misleading, but that strategy must be generating click-through revenue. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If they were actually reporting on Trump with accuracy, the FCC would then be required to fine CBS for Obscenity, Indecency, and Profanity.
A group of more than 5,000 car dealers have made public their worries about a lack of demand for electric vehicles.
If this were truly a free market, they would be more concerned about a lack of demand for car dealerships.
Does he only judge, or does he give advice?
Like a coach?
I mean, just how hands-on is he?
Only source seems to be this Slate article:
In respect to that specific Slate article, Snopes had some issues with it and labeled the story as “unproven”:
The Snopes article does a nice job of pointing out the Slate article’s issues.
Preferred search engine?