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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Smaller process means less energy. Less energy means less heat. Less heat can mean faster operation. So without changing any of the layout or logic of the chip itself to make it more efficient, just shrinking the process alone will give you a speed boost.

    But it goes further than that. Chips are cut from a wafer. The cost to make that wafer is (for the most part) constant. So if you can only make 20 or if you can make 2000 chips from that one wafer, it ultimately costs the same. But then that means the more CPUs that can be made per wafer, the per-CPU cost drops.

    So you get a more power efficient, cooler, faster and cheaper chip when you shrink the process. The entire semiconductor industry is so dependent on this idea that it invests billions into it every year because it is so vitally important.

  • Yes, it is infuriating, but getting mad at the situation only makes things worse. It isn’t like they will change or “get better” - you (hopefully) get better from a cold or illness. You don’t exactly “get better” from old age.

    If they listen to you at all, consider that a win. If they are financially in decent condition, that’s also a massive win. If you can convince them to improve their health that has the potential to help the situation - eat better, maybe go for walks around the neighborhood.

    I am going to assume that you don’t live with them, so one thing that has helped my mother tremendously is getting her an iPad. Both parents (who are older than OP’s parents by quite a bit) are not tech savvy in the slightest bit (I can not stress enough how NOT techie they are), plus their native language is not English, so communication for them has always been a little difficult. But getting my mother an iPad and installing Facebook on it was easily the best gift ever. She is able to communicate with relatives she hasn’t seen in decades. She can video chat with people 1/2 way around the world. It really is pretty amazing, especially since before the iPad, she’s never used a computer or had an email address or anything like that. Facebook gets a lot of well-deserved hate, but set it up for them, block whatever you can block and just make the it as streamlined as possible for them to use it. The large screen size on the iPad works infinitely better than a small phone screen.

  • Every now and again pictures of that guy in Brazil get posted who has had a ton of surgeries as well as a bunch of tattoos to make himself look like a lizard. There’s also a guy in the UK that has done something similar, including getting protrusions implanted under his skin so his head is bumpy like some iguana. At least one of these guys has even cut his ears off.

    Similarly there is that Korean guy who has had a bunch of surgeries to make himself look like Justin Beiber.

    There’s also those famous French twins who used to be male models but now with all the surgery they have gotten look more like deformed lions.

    Almost universally when these images get posted, people say things like these people are mentally ill and the doctors are butchers and they should be treated for chemical imbalances that are making them go crazy and think they are something that they are not.

    How the hell are we essentially in agreement that all these people have something wrong with themselves mentally, and yet when some guy thinks he was “supposed to be” a woman comes around, we are supposed to pretend that it is somehow normal and not some form of mental illness? You have never been a woman, so there is absolutely no way for you to know that you were “supposed to be” one. There is something mentally wrong with you if you feel the need to chop off parts of your body because you claim to be something that you would have no idea what that felt like.

    History is going to view the people who support the mutilation of these people’s bodies very negatively in the decades to come. These people should be mentally examined not allowed to butcher their bodies because of their mental illness. OP is 100% correct that just like these days we view lobotomies as being barbaric, so too will we view these sexual realignment procedures.

  • HOW does the fancy one adjust? Is it motorized so you can do it while sitting down, or you have to reach in there and adjust it then sit back down, then adjust, then sit back down and then adjust hoping that you finally got it right.

    We got no outlets that are that close to the tank which kills any interest in me trying one out since having just cold water is pretty much a deal breaker in my opinion. I know I could wire one in there, but this is obviously more work.

  • Why don’t you see how the lunch goes before you do anything. If possibly stop by their table to see how their food was. If the food and atmosphere is good, I think it would be very obvious at that point in time if she’s really digging you or not. That could also give you an opportunity to either ask her out there or give you another thing to talk about when you visit the dispensery again.

    Also here’s a tip - if when you show up to their table, the friend decides to head to the bathroom for a minute, that is their way of giving you two some alone time. That’s when you should totally ask her out.

  • This is funny, because I consider OP’s house to be obnoxiously expensive, let alone all the newer homes they mention.

    There are MANY calculators out there as to how much house one can afford, and personally I think most of them over-estimate the amount. But based on very rough numbers, you could spend about 3x to 4x your yearly salary on a house. So to afford a $500k house, one “should” be in the $150k/year range. To afford a $700k house, one should be in the $200k/year salary range.

    Personally I think both those numbers are bonkers and rather live well below my means than be house-poor.

    The reason there are just so many expensive homes is that people are terrible at personal finances. They don’t mind being in debt and then there is the awful FOMO mentality that is helping drive home prices up for no good reason. Add in the fact that for years now new home construction has simply not kept up. There were homes being built, of course, but many of them were on the top end of the market because local town governments rather get the taxes for ten $10M homes, rather than force developers to build 50 $250k homes. So there is so much blame to pass around.