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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think Steam Deck is great and a huge impact on both Linux gaming and handheld gaming. My only gripe with the Steam deck is trying to use it in docked mode. I’m not sure if it’s the TV or the official dock but the only way I could get it working is when I disconnect all the wires from the dock and then connect them in the right order. I think it was 1) connect deck to the dock 2) Connect HDMI to the dock and finally 3) connect power to the dock. If I don’t connect it the right way the signal from the dock to the TV gets fucked up and I either get some really crappy resolution that doesn’t even get properly aligned, weird almost white noise or just straight up black screen. Not really a big issue for me since I mostly use the deck when away from home, but it still that using it at home is such a hassle (at least for me).

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    17 days ago

    So what’s your broader hostile context? Or are you living an unnatural life?

    Is it the landlord or corporate owner putting the boot to your neck because you need a roof over your head and food in your belly?

    If so do you think your life would lose meaning if the boot was lifted from your neck?

    Do you really think it’s unnatural to have all your needs met?

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    18 days ago

    Pat Sloan provided evidence to the contrary.

    Well, link that then.

    Here’s a place to find newspapers from the USSR, you can read those if you want.

    I’m supposed to do your job for you? No thanks. If you can’t find actual examples then maybe time for you to accept you’re doing the “God is real because you can’t disprove him” argument.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    18 days ago

    So you want me to go through your sources? Alright:

    Before the proclamation of the 1936 Constitution, elections to soviets of all levels beyond local urban and rural ones (with varying ratios of citizens-per-representative each) were indirect, carried out by soviets of lesser scale below them. However, direct elections for township or industrial soviets were allowed to be competitive in theory, with candidates of different organizations other than the Communist Party and even the Orthodox Church allowed to fill the paperwork,[citation needed] although constant disenfranchisement of their voters and persecution of any activism during the campaign was the norm. [9]

    Soviet Citizens were able to vote for representatives to represent them in the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, which was the legislative arm of the Soviet Union. The elections in the Soviet Union would be held every 4 years for the citizens to go to the polling station and vote for a single candidate. These candidates who were going to be elected for 4 years were approved by the Communist Party themselves and were the only option on the ballot. [10]

    Even with a single candidate on the ballot, representatives could theoretically fail to get elected in the Soviet Union, but this did not happen above the lowest levels. A representative would have to keep local improvements satisfactory in order to try to gain greater than a 50% vote. Although not the definition of democracy, the Soviet people would still have the choice to keep or to basically “request” a new candidate from the Communist Party. Although selected by the Communist Party, each representative had to some degree keep their population somewhat satisfied with the way they were governing their people.[14] With the threshold of a 50% vote, many unsatisfied Soviets would form groups and would lobby to have their voices heard. This would allow the dissenters to have a small amount of input on how some things should be run in the Soviet Union. However, group dissent was extremely rare due to opposition from the authorities.

    Literally spelling out that voicing ideas got you persecuted, candidates were pre-selected by the party in power and any dissent was met by opposition from the authorities.

    And yet, not a single actual example of what you claim.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    18 days ago

    I feel like you’re the one moving the goalposts. Remember, this is what you said.

    Banning of factionalism was done when there were literal fascists and Capitalists trying to infiltrate the party and reinstate Tsarism for their profits. You were allowed to have different ifeas, voice them, and vote on them.

    You say they banned certain ideologies, but beyond that you don’t mention anything about elections or politics. You said people could voice different ideas and vote on them. You have not given actual evidence of that.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    18 days ago

    Right. I misremembered, it wasn’t in Russian. Here you go

    Viimased kanded lõplikku nimekirja tegi jaoskonnakomisjon valimispäeval, fikseerides valimissedelite väljaandmise. Vahemärkusena väärib selle toimingu juures mainimist seik, et valijailt kinnitust sedeli kättesaamise kohta ei võetud, seda asendas komisjonipoolne märge. Valimismäärustikud kõnealust detaili ei kajasta, kuid viite kirjeldatud toimimisviisile võib leida nimekirjade koostamise tehnilisest juhendist. (7) Esmapilgul võib asi paista vähetähtis, kuid see andis jaoskonnakomisjonide käsutusse lihtsa viisi ise „hääli kasti pannes” nõutav valimistulemus tagada. Selle kohta võib mälestustes viiteid leida juba alates Riigivolikogu valimistest 1940. a. suvel

    The (7) reference there is for “ERA, f. R-437, n. 1, s. 1.” which is the official document that isn’t digitized. However you can take a trip to the Estonian national archives and you can request access to it. You can do that here

    Now, where is your proof?

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    18 days ago

    Ah, the “God is real because you can’t disprove him” argument. This is Idealism, and you are inventing reality to suit your personal narrative.

    Except my argument stands on the fact that there’s an official loophole. Do you have any actual argument to back up the votes weren’t fudged beyond “I want to believe the soviets were nice people”?

    You’re free to go find the official voting information yourself, I’m not going to dig into that materials again just to find a document you most likely can’t read because you can’t read Russian.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    18 days ago

    In it’s early years, it went through growing pains, as their number one task was centered around instilling Marxism in the population.

    So like the first 3-4 decades? Because they didn’t really turn towards pro-science until the 50s when their ideological science interfered with the nuclear program. And the charlatan Lysenko remained as the director of the Institute of Genetics until 1965.

    Do you have evidence that the Soviets were assigning votes?

    Of course not. None of the voting results exist, at least I haven’t found any and I did search for them. In fact searching for them is how I stumbled upon the official voting guidebook where it’s written that the voting committee counts and verifies the votes, which leaves the door open for vote manipulation.

    Just as I can’t prove they were manipulating votes you can’t prove they weren’t and it comes down to whether you want to believe it or not. Personally I think if they have an official loophole to fudge results then the people in power would use it to stay in power.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    18 days ago

    You were allowed to have different ifeas, voice them, and vote on them.

    There’s an entire wiki page dedicated to how the USSR repressed scientific ideas and promoted absolute idiocracy (such as Lysenkoism) because of politics. If something as (relatively) objective as science wasn’t allowing different ideas you can only imagine what was happening in areas that are far more subjective.

    And I can tell you that the “democratic voting” was also just a farce. I can’t find the source anymore but voting didn’t really have oversight. It’s in their voting guidebook, the people counting the votes are also the people who verify the votes. That means the voting committee gets to assign votes however they want because they’re also the ones verifying the votes. From a certain political level onwards the political elite chose who gets what political position. Lysenko is actually excellent example of that because the scientific community hated him, but Stalin loved him and so Lysenko got to fuck up science for multiple decades.

  • In his mind Epic doesn’t need independence from Microsoft because Microsoft isn’t taking a cut of his Fortnite money. Microsoft is bad but Apple and Google take it to the next level. Imagine if Microsoft needed companies to verify their software and with that verification Microsoft can take a cut of every purchase done in that software. So if Steam was verified games sold in the steam software would cost more than opening up a steam website and buying from there. That is Google and Apple in a nutshell. That is actually the case with Twitch subs, they cost more in the Twitch app because of the fee Google adds.

  • Because Microsoft sucks and Google sucks and if you install Linux there’s 50% chance it’ll cure someone’s cancer. Also if you’re at a bar and your pickup line is “I use arch” it’ll be like the fucking Niagara falls. If you’re into guys even their ass will go sploosh when they hear that line.

    What I’m getting at is that we’re just a superior being.