You can always try to rename it on Google maps, but I suggest something simpler. Perhaps “Funny house” or “Cuckoo’s nest”.
Have you actually watched it? It was clearly a fascists/nazi salute. People who say otherwise simply don’t want to admit it.
The mechanism was the election.
NSDAP was elected.
Op is referring to 100 years of “upkeeping democracy”. I guess he was able to pick 100 from 250.
So I’m European and am aware that American culture is very different in many ways. Idk if this is just some type of thing about American culture and mentality in general that has always been there
Observing USians and debating them on social media, I am more and more of the view that substantial proportion of them are properly, certifiably insane.
And it doesn’t apply only to MAGA nutjobs, it applies across the political divide and often starts with complete and utter contempt for facts.
I would say it shouldn’t be marked at all.
Russia is not a country, it is a state of mind.