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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • i know you guys are probably right when you say that security updates are important, but why exactly? give me an example of how i could be fucked over while i’m just mindlessly playing my steam games and watching twitch+youtube on a system that hasn’t been updated since 2016.

    i blindly assume that as long as i don’t download and run stupid .exes or click stupid links, i am completely fine

  • yes, absolutely, as long as we don’t become ignorant to the huge ethical issues with steam like their decade of running an underage gambling surrogate. sorry, i just take issue with the article pointing out flaws of xbox and playstation without counter-balancing those criticisms with something about valve. valve is certainly better than both sony and microsoft in every regard, but they are not innocent at all

  • what are you making misleading claims about Qwant for??? if you click your own damn link you’ll see that the only case where they need to collect your name is if you make an account (completely unnecessary), make a de-listing request (to verify that you are who you say you are before removing something, otherwise i could just go and have jeff bezos removed), or if you report something.

    also, 80% of your bullet points after “user agent” are redundant because they are literally just what makes up a user agent. newsflash: every single website you ever visit in your life collects your user agent because it needs to know whether to give you the mobile or the desktop version of the site. this has nothing to do with privacy in this case, you’re just slandering to slander