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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Back in the '90s when we were teenagers, my sister had to get the loudest possible alarms you could find and set it up on a dresser on the far side of her bedroom.

    Personally, I always set two alarms when it’s time to get up. Put the loudest, most obnoxious ringtone on you can think of, set them to repeat every 5 minutes, and offset them by a few minutes so that you’re basically getting an annoying alarm every 2 to 3 minutes. I taught this trick to my fiancee because she’s a heavy sleeper and a reluctant waker too. You can combine both tricks too if you need to.

  • Meanwhile, Cyclists in America…

    C1: Hey did you hear about those Brits getting yelled at by drivers?

    C1: Yeah. Somebody call the whambulance, some cyclists are butthurt about being cussed out lol

    C2: lol what a bunch of pussies. Anyway, fid you remember to wear your bulletproof vest today?

    C1: Every day brother. Now let’s see how many drivers we can fuck with before one tries to run us over.

  • Okay so here’s dinner context you may be unaware of. I believe it was Newt Gingrich who either came up with or standardized the core modern republican propaganda pillar: Attack attack attack, always attack, never compromise, concede only if you have literally no choice, then attack harder. That’s why the left has slid so far center; they keep trying to compromise and the right will not budge. Now the Democrats look like the Republicans back in the 80s, which is why I call them Republicrats.

    Meanwhile Dems are trying to hold themselves to at least some level of standard. Add to that that Trump and his kind are authoritarian; their psychology allows for no criticism of any kind, seeing them exclusively as attacks against them. So now you have not only GOP and Trump cultists jumping on every single thing they can as hard as they can, and the self-aware Democrats calling out what they perceive as bad. The Republicans won’t do that; they never attack their own side without orders from the top, which indicates to them that the target is out of favor with the leadership.

    Tldr; because the Democrats refuse to accept that the Republicans can’t be beaten by playing nice.