i think you misjudge the amount of people whos only limiting factor is consequences few people wiuld give a fuck if thats you deceased childs blanket and only memory of said child
i think you misjudge the amount of people whos only limiting factor is consequences few people wiuld give a fuck if thats you deceased childs blanket and only memory of said child
its preety good but im in the process of switching to nix because ive started encountering issues keeping track of packages and dependency hell (I use Arch btw)
me :) i do that :) me:) (but only consensually)
freedoss 9front Uxn(more an emulator but still interesting to check out its by 100 rabbits) openbsd netbsd dragonflybsd etc…
*(in general)
i mean tbh ive never had issues with arch i couldnt solve without a quick google(neither has a update ever broken anything) and manjaro sets everything up 4 u
Is there a tldr?
I’m a game dev and I think ur talking out your ass we get paid for working hours not for how much a game doesnt get pirated after launch
Why should you AS a member of society contribute to its betterment? You must know that driving over potholes with a pickup truck full of Materials and equipment tends to have negative consequences
I feel like security issues should be adressed its just best practice and IME most modern mobos have backups to prevent catastrophic failure
No fuck you suckass achiving equality should not be done via promoting one Gender over another the Ends justifies the means mentality is why the world is already so fucked
i have a vencord extension that does that