• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Yeah about 20 years ago.

    The vibe was different, it was racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic jokes. Now it feels like a bunch of racists sexists bigots and homophobes telling jokes. Nobody cared about who anyone really was, it was a shittalking shitposting competition. At some point it stopped feeling like bantz, it just started to feel ugly.

    Maybe I just grew up a bit, but I at least remember it being that way.

  • People love to cherry pick this argument so hard.

    Aspartame is linked to a possible near zero to low increase in cancer risk. Not zero, theres enough evidence to say that some people if they drink a LOT over a LONG time it COULD cause something that MIGHT not have happened. There are multiple studies on Pubmed I can link to show this. However The evidence on excess sugar and carrying excess weight is ABSOLUTELY UNDENIABLE. The negative health outcomes for being overweight or having diabetes are just straight up facts.

    So pick your poison, if you have a family history of bladder, bowel, stomach or colon cancer you may want to avoid the aspartame. If your doctor has just told you you have pre-diabetes and you’re going to lose your foot or have a massive heart attack if you don’t cut out the sugar and lose some fucking weight the minuscule risk of something thats an outside chance vs that…

  • Id like to think that AI will also be used to SOLVE some of our biggest problems.

    (NOW YES IT WOULD BE A PRIVACY NIGHTMARE) But I’ve posited before that instead of traffic lights being on timers and speed limits being fixed if every car had a gps navigation system and a QI code on the roof, with recognition cameras on light poles and intersections and an AI that was free to adjust the speed limits, lights and send route suggestions to the gps units in order to promote optimal flow that we could all save time, fuel (or battery) and therefore emisions.

  • Ok, you have been fed some bullshit. Anyone who just gives you a “eat X calories” advice without knowing your age, height, gender, etc… is full of shit. Makes me no end of mad when you see “Contains 25% of your daily…” on food packaging. Because a 19yo male rugby playing bricklayer and a 46yo female accountant have vastly different requirements.

    At the core of it, its CICO (Calories in, Calories out)

    https://www.calculator.net/macro-calculator.html Tap your details into that, select a REASONABLE weight loss goal a week, underestimate your exercise, and select the high protein option since you are weight training and want to avoid muscle loss.

    A few eggs on a couple of pieces of wholemeal or multigrain toast, pot of greek yoghurt and a coffee is a perfectly good breakfast and Protein shakes are a great way to get protein in and keep calories reasonable, my lunch at work is 2 scoops of Casein protein and a protein bar. I eat boring and super low cal during the day because I train in the afternoon and want to enjoy my dinner.

    When it comes to adding back in workout calories… both sides are right. “Diet fatigue” is a real thing, and if you want to keep your calorie defecit around a certain number to avoid getting burnt out then yes, you add them back in. Personally I calculated my macros and calories to “mild” weight loss and estimated my exercise as “none” so my training was where I found the larger part of my deficit.

    I could write a very short book on this stuff so if tou have any questions feel free to PM me.