10 days agoSometimes external actors set the date for you and it’s your job to figure out how. I worked in health care IT and heath care regulators don’t play around. You can and will be fined heavily for missing deadlines.
Sometimes external actors set the date for you and it’s your job to figure out how. I worked in health care IT and heath care regulators don’t play around. You can and will be fined heavily for missing deadlines.
You don’t understand. The average Windows user has no clue what a CLI even is and has certainly never edited the registry. If something isn’t working they learn to live with it or call a tech savvy friend.
Edit: Windows is like an iPhone. They work for their users’ use cases out of the box. They are for people that want to just do stuff, not tinker with technology. I never have to mess with the settings on my Windows boxes once I have them configured the way I want. Like, ever.