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Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • A rockstar developer doesn’t churn out unmaintainable, by definition.

    The number of people who think they are rockstar developers but clearly aren’t is probably close to the number of cover bands who see themselves as undiscovered rockstars.

    I’ve worked with people like this, their best hope is to fail upwards into management.

    The only way to know if you are competent coder is for other coders to tell you. If none are telling you, your imposter syndrome isn’t.

    There are other signs as well but these aren’t taught in formal education. An example being the ability to recognize how your old code could be improved. The way requirements stack over time makes this a certainty in any product.

  • Looks like it could be speaker wire for stereo, left/right channels

    Is there another end or are there speakers in the ceiling or walls?

    Do you have a volt meter? You can use that to match the ends, twist one set together and see which one is closed.

    If that was connected to a wall jacks, someone is an asshole for not leaving it. The part tools to strip and rebuild the connectors aren’t expensive but they a one and done tool for a diy-er. Maybe you know someone that can borrow you the tool.

    These days, there are a lot of wireless options so you could also shove it the wall and buy a blank plate to cover it.

  • You think parents should get their kindergartens an Apple Watch?

    Perhaps you think I’m referring to children past elementary school.

    Regardless of what Apple says AirTags are and are not for people will use them however they see fit. For example, they are not for tracking pets but there are pet collars designed to hold an AirTag so clearly many people are ignoring Apple.

    Attaching an AirTag to a child’s backpack seems like an obvious way to track one’s child, even if it’s not supported use case.

    The purpose isn’t track things you know how to find but to find things that get lost; like children. There is also enough paranoia about kidnapping that I’m sure there are at least a few children in every classroom that are tagged.

  • This thing is more rant than article so it’s hard to refute what is being said.

    People who tell you they are smart never are.

    Likewise, people who tell you they’ve figured out how to navigate the system without being influenced by it are the easiest to control.

    One of its basic premise here that is flawed. Most people go to the polls knowing exactly who they are going to vote for. Those who don’t, are the ones marketers are trying to influence.

    It isn’t really clear what the goal of this rant is. I find a lot of these things come down to the adage “teenagers think they invented sex” – people often confuse their mental awakening as novel discovery.

    These people are rarely smart and are rarely worth listening to as they clearly fail to understand the next steps to such self discovery is to explore existing knowledge.

  • “Media attention” doesn’t appear on your quote nor the entitreity of that Wikipedia article.

    The other two are merely your personal interpretation of how you split the phrase “professed refusal”

    Professed can as easily be satisfied by going on a piracy forum and declaring your allegiance to the movement.

    Refusal is what piracy is. The act of ignoring copyright law, is the refusal.

    “I do not agree with copyright law and will not be restricted by it” – This statement satisfies “professed refusal”

    I do not have to petition my senator.

    I don’t have to stand on a street corner with a sign.

    I will take it further and claim that you or anyone else adding arbitrary rules to how one must practice civil disobedience is antithetical to civil disobedience.