Yeah, waterfall would be “you collect requirements to build a rocket to Mars, 2 years later you have a rocket to Venus and it turns out they didn’t think oxygen is essential, they’ll have to add that in the next major release.”
Yeah, waterfall would be “you collect requirements to build a rocket to Mars, 2 years later you have a rocket to Venus and it turns out they didn’t think oxygen is essential, they’ll have to add that in the next major release.”
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I don’t think Lemmy is the right sample to ask this question. Definitely a lot of gamers and tech enthusiasts here.
Personally I avoid doing computer tasks on my phone if I can at all help it. Trying to accomplish tasks on a tiny mobile screen is just frustrating and limited. Have both desktop and laptop that I prefer to use.
Gonna have to remember that line for the next time I’m at a party
Getting an account on a big general tracker like TorrentLeech is a pretty good foot in the door. They do open signups frequently. There’s also IPtorrents and their whole network, although they’re pretty looked down upon by the private trackers community. If you want to start working towards invites to more selective trackers, MAM, OPS, and RED all have an interview process. MAM is by far the easiest one to build a ratio on, although note that they do not like to be thought of as a stepping stone.
I’m curious how well polished the stuff you get off of soulseek is. Private music trackers have pretty strict standards for uploads, which generally means making sure that everything is organized consistently, that all tracks are tagged correctly, and that things are encoded to high standards (filtering things like bad transcodes). If you’re having to manually check all of this stuff, it would be pretty time consuming for a large collection.
OPS is probably the one you want. RED has more selection but also a very difficult economy. OPS still has a great library and the economy is far more manageable. Of course you will still need to build up a ratio if you’re planning to download a lot
You might want to get on a general tracker like TorrentLeech that has 0day scene releases. But you won’t find as good retention on older releases. It works as a nice supplement to a more selective tracker.
Having done this before, it takes a long time, and getting an even application is tricky. Expect to need more wax than you think you do.
Power dynamics is definitely part of it, and I’ve found that I have much better luck in interviews when I treat them as a conversation rather than just being grilled. It’s easier to do in your 40s than in your 20s though.
On the one hand the way corporations expect loyalty and devotion all the time in return for a very small percentage of their profits being paid out to us as salary sucks. On the other, having to work if you want to eat is just kind of…life? Not saying we couldn’t work on something better as a society, but there’s been very few people at any point in human history who didn’t have to work hard to survive. I’m glad that I get to at least do soulless work in an office which is mostly just boring instead of hard labor or something actively dangerous.
A lot of people with poorly developed social skills like to pretend that poorly developed social skills don’t make them a bad coworker. I don’t think I agree with that. Your job isn’t just the stuff you like. Organization, prioritization, collaborating and interacting with your coworkers, attending meetings and making useful contributions, just generally not being a dick…all of those are your job. Interviews often take place after they’re already convinced that you have the required background, so they’re largely interested in discovering whether you’re a good chemistry match for the team.
Can’t really speak to grueling tech interviews though. That’s a whole different category of thing.
In theory, if he went so far over the line that he became very unpopular, then Congress members would fear for their reelection chances if they didn’t publicly break with him. But with him attacking democracy itself, Congress may be more afraid of him than they are of voters. It’s a deeply troubling time.
I am not arguing in favor of authoritarianism or against democracy, to be clear. Just saying there is an inherent risk that if you give the common people power, the common people might do something dumb with it. I’m not aware of a system that removes that risk without other considerable downsides. There are other democratic governments that have fewer structural issues than the US, but none of them prevent the whole “sometimes, voters are very dumb” thing.
But Trump hasn’t proven unpopular; that’s why he won reelection. If the ruling party has a majority and the PM has their party’s support, nothing would happen in most other systems either.
Well the mechanism for preventing criminals who shit all over the constitution from getting reelected is supposed to be people not voting for him. There’s not really much a constitutional democracy can do about voters being fucking morons. Kind of an inherent flaw in the system.
Yeah, it’s rather obviously flawed in light of the current situation, but that is the mechanism that exists in the constitution.
It has impeachment. The list of reasons for impeachment are (quite possibly intentionally) vague. But it has to be done through Congress.
Investors are every bit as vulnerable to hype, marketing, and just plain poor understanding of tech as the general public is.
It doesn’t really matter what they call it. Companies that want to be waterfall (or more accurately, whose executives want waterfall style commitments) are going to be waterfall even if they call it Scrum.
And definitely not known for Dune or Spider-Man.