• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I think one reason the [IM|microblogging|forum|other communication style] is not yet fully decentralized, but email is, is because:

    1. Email existed and had wide adoption before Eternal September.
    2. It had and has a clear business use, and being interopable with other companies’ choices of email service has clear value.

    The lesson from USENET is rather instructive. Like email, it is defederated, had a standard protocol, and long predated Eternal September. Unlike email, there is no clearcut business use-case, and even though both systems suffered massive amounts of problems of spam and porn, there was no clear (financial) incentive to deal with spam on USENET, other than leaving it up to the end user to use kill files and so on.

    I think IM could be solved much like email, like you say. There is obviously a good business case for it (companies spend untold amounts on things like Slack). When it comes to things that are social media-ish, I think it’s more complicated, as you point out, and probably why it remains in the state that it is.

  • My word, yes. This.

    Ever since the 90s, I’ve wondered this about IM. IRC is good for many uses, but too complicated for many, so all these private options popped up, and continue to still be with us instead of an open protocol for IM. Jabber/XMPP tried to do it. Matrix, too.

    And yet, we still use all this cruft like Slack and Skype and so on.

    IMHO, nearly every other type of communication should figure out how to do it like email, including IM and microblogging and Reddit-like things.

    Maybe Space Karen might end up actually resulting in innovation and adoption of good tech, but just not in the way that he had planned. XD

  • I miss it as well. They are still in my RSS feed. I took a big time out from reading or trying to engage in comments (not for any particular reason but laziness) - I’m not sure for how many years - and a some point, I tried to engage again, and…WOW. The comments are moderated, so at least there is that. But absolutely no deviation from the groupthink is permitted. None. Your comment will be gone so fast if you disagree - especially if you make one of the regulars look stupid by puncturing their logic. There seem to be a handful of people that have deep personal trauma and seem to be working it out by destroying the commenting system on a once-great site. I’m sure they think it’s great - they have a little in-group, along with moderation powers, and they can trade giphys with each other as they dunk on anyone hapless enough to disagree with them. I think more than a few times I saw them bashing Mark F. (one of the owners/founders) because of his identity/age.